Quran All Surah Free Download Pdf

Quran is a book of Guidance for humanity. However, researchers in social sciences have focused least on using Quran for setting the foundations of different theories in social sciences. One apparent reason for it is word to word translations of the Holy Quran which are difficult to read and understand for the beginners. In order to fill this gap, we have started a series of ultimate guidance. In this series, an earlier short book with the name of "An ultimate Source of Guidance [ISBN-10: 1699033366]" has already been published and it is available worldwide in paperback format on Amazon.com. The earlier book focused only on the main guidelines of Quran, pertaining to parents' care, business ethics, and family matters. However, we still felt the need of writing the Summary of Quran so that the researchers and social scientists should be able to understand the chapter wise description of the Quran and read it for further advancement of the social sciences. This book has two summaries of every chapter. The first summary gives a broader overview of every topic discussed in each chapter. While the second summary has detailed verse wise description of each discussed topic. Reading this book is important for every human being. However, our primary target of this book is social scientists, who are recommended to read and understand Quran and validate the theories of Anthropology, Economics, Political science, History, Geography, psychology, and sociology in the light of the Quranic Pearls of Wisdom. For writing this book the writers have reviewed several Quranic translations in English and Urdu for better understanding and summarizing of each chapter. We hope our effort will be fruitful in helping you to understand Quran and further explore it for the advancement of social sciences and the benefit of humanity.

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Chapter and verse wise summary

October 20, 2019

Company: Buzdar Insights

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Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Summary of Holy Quran

Muhammad Farooq


Nagina Kanwal


Quran is a book of Guidance for humanity. However,

researchers in social sciences have focused least on using

Quran for setting the foundations of different theories in

social sciences. One apparent reason for it is word to word

translations of the Holy Quran which are difficult to read and

understand for the beginners. In order to fill this gap, we

have started a series of ultimate guidance. In this series,

an earlier short book with the name of "An ultimate Source

of Guidance [ISBN-10: 1699033366]" has already been

published and it is available worldwide in paperback format

on Amazon.com. The earlier book focused only on the main

guidelines of Quran, pertaining to parents' care, business

ethics, and family matters. However, we still felt the need of

writing the Summary of Quran so that the researchers and

social scientists should be able to understand the chapter

wise description of the Quran and read it for further

advancement of the social sciences.

This book has two summaries of every chapter. The first

summary gives a broader overview of every topic discussed

in each chapter. While the second summary has detailed

verse wise description of each discussed topic. Reading

this book is important for every human being. However, our

primary target of this book is social scientists, who are

recommended to read and understand Quran and validate

the theories of Anthropology, Economics, Political science,

History, Geography, psychology, and sociology in the light

of the Quranic Pearls of Wisdom.

For writing this book the writers have reviewed several

Quranic translations in English and Urdu for better

understanding and summarizing of each chapter. We hope

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


our effort will be fruitful in helping you to understand Quran

and further explore it for the advancement of social

sciences and the benefit of humanity.


Muhammad Farooq

Nagina Kanwal

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Copyright © 2019 Muhammad Farooq and Nagina


All rights reserved.

ISBN: 9781701090422

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Table of contents

Chapter-1 Surah Al-Fatihah 9

Chapter-2 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 9

Chapter-3 Surah Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) 13

Chapter-4 Surah An-Nisa' (The women) 15

Chapter-5 Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Food, The Repast, The Table)


Chapter-6 Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle) 17

Chapter-7 Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights) 18

Chapter-8 Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) 19

Chapter- 9 At-Taw bah (The Repentance) 20

Chapter-10 Surah Younus (Jonah) 21

Chapter-11 Surah Hud 23

Chapter-12 Surah Yusuf (Joseph) 25

Chapter-13 Surah Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) 26

Chapter-14 Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 27

Chapter-15 Surah Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract, The Stoneland, The

Rock City, Al-Hijr) 27

Chapter-16 Surah An-Nahl (The Honey Bees, The Bee) 28

Chapter-17 Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey) 30

Chapter-18 Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave) 31

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-19 Surah Maryam (Mary) 32

Chapter-20 Surah Ta-Ha 34

Chapter-21 Surah Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets) 35

Chapter-22 Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj) 35

Chapter-23 Surah Al-Mu'minun (The Believers) 37

Chapter-24 Surah An-Nur (The Light) 38

Chapter-25 Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion, The Standard, The

Standard of True and False) 39

Chapter-26 Surah ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets) 40

Chapter-27 Surah An-Naml (The Ant, The Ants) 40

Chapter-28 Surah Al-Qasas (The Stories, The Story) 41

Chapter-29 Surah Al-ʻAnkabut (The Spider) 42

Chapter-30 Surah Ar-Rum (The Romans) 43

Chapter-31 Surah Luqman 44

Chapter-32 Surah As-Sajdah (The Prostration, Worship) 45

Chapter-33 Surah Al-Ahzab (The Clans, The Combined Forces)


Chapter-34 Surah Saba' (Sheba) 47

Chapter-35 Surah Fatir (The Originator) 47

Chapter-36 Summary of Surah Ya-Sin 48

Chapter-37 Surah As-Saffat (Those Who Set The Ranks) 49

Chapter-38 Surah Sad 51

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-39 Surah Az-Zumar (The Crowds, The Troops) 52

Chapter-40 Surah Ghafir (The Forgiver (God), Forgiving) 53

Chapter-41 Surah Fussilat (Expounded, Explained In Detail) 55

Chapter-42 Surah Ash-Shura (The Consultation) 56

Chapter-43 Surah Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) 57

Chapter-44 Surah Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke) 58

Chapter-45 Surah Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling Down, Crouching)


Chapter-46 Surah Ahqaf (Winding Sand-tracts, The Dunes) 59

Chapter-47 Surah Muhammad (PBUH) 60

Chapter-48 Surah Al-Fath (The Victory, Conquest) 61

Chapter-49 Surah Al-Hujurat (The Private Apartments) 62

Chapter-50 Surah Qaf 64

Chapter-51 Surah Ad-Dhariyat (The Wind That Scatter) 64

Chapter-52 Surah At-Tur (The Mount, Mount Sinai) 65

Chapter-53 Surah An-Najm (The Star, The Unfolding) 66

Chapter-54 Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon) 67

Chapter-55 Surah Ar-Rahman 68

Chapter-56 Surah Al-Waqi'ah 68

Chapter-57 Surah Al-Hadeed (The Iron) 69

Chapter-58 Surah Al-Mujadilah 70

Chapter-59 Surah Al-Hashr 71

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-60 Surah Al-Mumtahanah (The Examined One) 72

Chapter-61 Surah As-Saff (The Ranks, Battle Array) 72

Chapter-62 Surah Al-Jumu'ah (Congregation, Friday) 73

Chapter-63 Surah Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites) 74

Chapter-64 Surah At-Taghabun (The Cheating) 74

Chapter-65 Surah At-Talaq (Divorce) 75

Chapter-66 Surah At-Tahreem (The Prohibition) 75

Chapter-67 Surah Al-Mulk (The Dominion, Sovereignty, Control)


Chapter-68 Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen) 77

Chapter-69 Surah Al-Haqqah (The Sure Reality) 78

Chapter-70 Surah Al-Ma'aarij (The Ways of Ascent) 78

Chapter-71 Surah Nuh (Noah) 79

Chapter-72 Surah Al-Jinn (The Unseen Beings) 80

Chapter-73 Surah Al-Muzzammil (The Enfolded One) 80

Chapter-74 Surah Al-Muddathir (The One Wrapped Up) 81

Chapter-75 Surah Al-Qiyamah (Resurrection) 82

Chapter-76 Surah Al-Insan (The Human) 83

Chapter-77 Surah Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth) 83

Chapter-78 Surah An-Naba' (The Great News) 84

Chapter-79 Surah An-Nazi'at (Soul-snatchers, Those That Rise)


Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-80 Surah `Abasa (He Frowned) 85

Chapter-81 Surah At-Takwir 86

Chapter-82 Surah Al-Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder) 86

Chapter-83 Surah Al-Mutaffifeen (The Dealers in Fraud) 87

Chapter-48 Surah Al-Inshiqaq (The Rending Asunder) 87

Chapter-58 Surah Al-Buruj (The Mansions Of The Stars) 88

Chapter-86 Surah At-Tariq (The Night-Visitant) 88

Chapter-87 Surah Al-A'la (The Most High) 89

Chapter-88 Surah Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event) 89

Chapter-89 Surah Al-Fajr (The Break of Day) 90

Chapter-90 Surah Al-Balad (The City, The Land) 91

Chapter-91 Surah Ash-Shams (The Sun) 91

Chapter-92 Surah Al-Lail (The Night) 92

Chapter-93 Surah Ad-Dhuha (The Glorious Morning Light) 92

Chapter-94 Surah Ash-Sharh (The Expansion of Breast) 92

Chapter-95 Surah At-Tin (The Fig Tree, The Fig) 93

Chapter-96 Surah al- ʻAlaq (The Clinging Clot) 93

Chapter-97 Surah Al-Qadr (The Night of Honor) 93

Chapter-98 Surah Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) 94

Chapter-99 Surah Az-Zalzala (The Earthquake) 94

Chapter-100 Surah Al-Adiyat (The Courser) 94

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-101 Surah al-Qari`ah (The Striking Hour) 95

Chapter-102 Surah At-Takathur (The Piling Up) 95

Chapter-103 Surah Al-Asr (The Time) 95

Chapter-104 Surah Al-Humazah (The Scandalmonger) 96

Chapter-105 Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant) 96

Chapter-106 Surah Quraysh (The Quraysh) 96

Chapter-107 Surah Al-Ma'un (Almsgiving, Assistance) 97

Chapter-108 Surah Al-Kawthar (Abundance, Plenty, Good in

Abundance) 97

Chapter-109 Surah Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers) 97

Chapter 110 Surah An-Nasr (The Help, Divine Support, Victory,

Succour) 98

Chapter-111 Surah Al-Masad/Al-Lahab (The Plaited Rope) 98

Chapter-112 Surah Al-Ikhlas ( Purity, Oneness of God) 98

Chapter-113 Surah Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) 99

Chapter-114 Surah An-Nas (Mankind, Men) 99

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-1 Surah Al-Fatihah

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 7 verses. the main topics

are: Supplication of God for guidance and God is enough for


Overview of the Topics

From verse 1-7: God asks for supplication to Him for

guidance. This Surah describes the primary and foundational

principles of the Quran in condensed form. A prayer to God is

described which encompasses all needs and requirements of

human life.

Chapter-2 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

Overview of the Topics

This is the biggest Surah in the Quran. It has 286 verses. This

Surah was revealed in Madinah after the movement of

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Macca to Madinah. It has

covered serval topics like Creation, characteristics of the

Believers, non-believers and hypocrites, favors of God on

Israelites, trial of Prophet Ibrahim and God's promise to him,

change of Qibla/direction of prayer, the right of victim's

relatives to kill the murderer (Qisas), financial compensation

paid to murdered/victim's family (Diyat), fasting, fighting,

Drinking, intoxication and gambling, Pilgrimage, marriage,

Menstruation instructions, divorce, waiting period, dowry and

provision for wives, story of Prophet Ibrahim, Nimrood, Riba,

Interest, Debt, contracts and witness of women as half

witness as compared to men.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-24 describe that Quran is the Book without any

doubt and is guidance for the believers. Further, the

characteristics of believers, non-believers, and hypocrites are

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


described. God challenges the disbelievers to produce a

Surah like this and call upon the witness over it other than

God if they are truthful.

From verses 25-50 it has been stated the people of paradise

will be served the similar fruits and they will say, that this is

what we were already provided in the world. An example of

mosquito is given and God says, He is not timid to present

example of a Mosquito or something smaller than it. Creation

of earth and seven heavens is described and further creation

of Adam and God's order to angles and refusal of Satan to

prostrate is also described. Satan caused Adam and Eve to

disobey God. God reminds children of Israel of his favors like

He parted sea for Israelites and saved them from Pharaoh.

From 51-66 the verses describe God's appointment with

Moses of 40 nights and worshiping Calf by Israelites in the

absence of Moses. Israelites demanded to see God and a

thunderbolt took them and they died and then revived again.

God sent for them "Mann o Salwah" Quails. Further God

commanded Israelites to say repentance when they enter

city. Moses used his staff and struck it and twelve spring

started flowing. Israelites demanded that they should get

onion and cucumber and they did not want to eat "Mann o

Sulwah" constantly. All righteous people will enter paradise

whether they are Jews, Christians and even Sabaeans. Lifting

of mount above Israelites has also been mentioned. God

made transgressors (from Jews) the apes as punishment.

From verses 67-101 Moses told his people that God

Commands them to slaughter a cow. They avoided

slaughtering by asking irrelevant probing. At last, they

slaughtered the Cow and God asked them to through a piece

of that cow to a murdered man, who then became alive.

Further, Israelites were commanded to obey God and do

righteous deeds but they backed out from their promises, God

promised severe punishment for them in hereafter. The

Israelites further denied accepting Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


(PBUH) even after recognizing Him. God mentions how He

raised over Israelites the mount Tur and commanded them to

listen and obey but they said we hear and disobey. Whoever

is the enemy of Gabriel, Michael, and other angels, God is

indeed enemy to that person.

From 102-123 the verses describe the story of Prophet

Solomon, Harut, Marut, Babylon, magic and its teachings.

Moreover, it has been stated that magic is nothing except a

trial. God orders believers not to say to the Prophet "Raina"

but "Anzurna" as Raina word had double meanings. God

abrogated some verses and Refused the claim of the people

of the book that none will enter paradise except for Jews and


Verses 124-143 mention the trial of Prophet Abraham and

promise of God (I will make you the leader for the people),

then Abraham asked for his descendants, God said, that my

promise is not for wrongdoers among your descendants.

The further verses describe the building of Kaba by Abraham

and his praying. Adopt the Color (religion) of God as whose

color is better than th e color of God. God said that He made

Muslims a just/balanced/middle nation.

From 144-179 verses mentioned the change of direction of

prayer from Masjid Alaqsa to Masjid Al-Haram. People of the

book recognize Muhammad (PBUH) as they recognize their

owns sons. Martyr is not dead but he is alive. God will test,

the believers by fear, hunger, and loss of the wealth. Safa

and Marwa are among God's signs. Dead animals, blood,

flesh of swine and all that has been dedicated to other than

God, are forbidden foods. The right of victim's relatives to kill

the murderer (Qisas), financial compensation paid to

murdered/victim's family (Diyat) have also been mentioned

and God says, that there are an alleviation and mercy from

your God in this.

From verse 180-212 the description of will and inheritance is

given. Further the instructions regarding fasting are given

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


such as if someone is not able to fast then he can fast equal

number of days later or feed a man. It is lawful to go to the

wives at night during fasting. Further fight, slaying or

Corruption is worse than killing. God orders not to fight at

Masjid Alharam until the disbelievers fight you there and

fighting instructions in sacred months have also been given.

The pilgrimage instruction like shaving of head, fasting, and

sacrifice have been mentioned.

From 213-235 the verses described that Mankind was of one

religion before their deviation. Further, fight in sacred month

is great sin but averting people from the way of God is a

greater sin. Corruption is greater than killing. Drinking,

intoxication, Gambling have been prohibited. Marriage among

idolaters is also prohibited and it is stated that a believing

slave is better than a polytheist, even though she might

please you. Instructions regarding menstruation have been

detailed down. It is stated that women are like place of sowing

of seed for their husbands. The instructions regarding

divorce and waiting period are given such as 4 months of

waiting period if no sexual relation after divorce. In other

cases, waiting period is 3 months, if divorce happens then

remarrying with the same wife is only allowed after marring

(Halala). Mothers shall feed their children for two years,

waiting period for the women if their husband dies is 4 months

and 10 days.

From 236-274 the instructions regarding dowry and provision

for wife have been mentioned. Further verses mention the

story of thousands of people who died and then became alive

by God's grace. Mention of Samuel, Saul, Goliath, Prophet

David, Prophet Abraham and Namrud, and Abrahams

Dialogue with God regarding death, life and rising of place of

sun have been mentioned. Further verses describe the story

of a person who remained dead for 100 years, then became

alive by God's grace and God inquired him regarding his

donkey and Food. Abraham asked God regarding life and

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


death. God gave Abraham an experiment of four birds who

became alive with the Grace of God. Further verses mention

the reward of spending wealth and relate it to the example of

grain with seven ears and its plentiful multiplication.

Verses from 275-286 state that God has prohibited the usury

and He increases the money given in His name and reduces

the interest money. Those who consume interest will stand up

on the day of judgment as insane. God considers usury as a

war against God and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Debt

and contracts should be written down in presence of two

witnesses and witnesses of women are half as compared to

that of men.

The chapter concludes with the prayer that "We hear and we

obey. We seek your forgiveness. Returning to you is our

destination. Our Lord doesn't impose, blame upon us if we

have forgotten or errored. Our Lord lay not upon us a burden

like that which you imposed on those before us. Our Lord,

burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear and

pardon and forgive us, and have mercy upon us, you are our

protector. So, give us victory over the disbelievers."

Chapter-3 Surah Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)

Overview of the Topics

This is a Medinan Surah. It has 200 verses. The main

discussed topics besides the Family of Imran are: God chose

Adam, Noah, Family of Abraham and Imran over the worlds,

Jesus' story and miracles, Events and verse of Mubahala,

Challenge of Prophet to Christians delegation, God took

covenant from all prophets regarding Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), Hold the rope of God and don't become divided ,

Indirect mentions of Uhad and Bader, those who are killed in

the way of God are alive.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-32 state the fundamental truth of God that He is

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


only superpower. Moreover these verses also talk about

revelation of Holy Books and life after death.

verses 33 -65 address Christians and invites them to embrace

Islam as the dispute between Jews and Christians pertaining

to Marry and her son Jesus has be cleared in the Quran.

Story of Hazat Zakaria and his old wife is also state, when

they were given the good news of the birth of their son in

their old age as God can do anything. Miracles of Prophet

Jesus such as giving life to the dead, treating the by birth

blinds, leprosy and telling what people used to have in their

stomach and what they used to render (store) at their homes.

But the people of Al-Imran denied the clear signs of God

given to Jesus And God said to Jesus that now I will take you

back to heaven and will tell my decision on the day of


Verses from 66-101 addressed the Jews and Prohibit them

from unwilling practices. Furthermore, Muslims have also

been warned malicious attentions and absurd objections

(Questions) on the verses of God.

The verses 102-120 direct Muslims to learn from the stories

of previous nations, remain vigilant against the plots of non-

believers, prepare and train themselves to establish virtue

and eliminate evil.

Verses from 121-174 describe the teachings from the battle of

Uhad and also advise Muslims to submit before God, fear

Him and ask Him for help against the plots of enemies. Lack

of moral values and existence of evil practices led to the

setback in Uhad. Greed of archers has also been stated as

main cause of defeat. These verses also prohit interest or


Verses 175-189 remind Muslims to be careful against the

plots of enemies.

The concluding verses 190-200 describe the reward of

following the path of God and also advises Muslims to remain

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


united and be vigilant against the plots of opponents. But

some people of earlier holy books are believers and honest.

Chapter-4 Surah An-Nisa' (The women)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah Nisa is a Medinan Surah. It has 176 verses. The

main topics of the Surah are: Several aspects of a Muslim's

way of life which includes family life, instructions regarding

witness, characteristics of hypocrites and crucifixion of Jesus.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-35 discuss that, for smooth life the relationship

between husband and wife should be based on justice and

equity. Division of inheritance and the rights of orphans have

been detailed down.

Verses 36-42 Guides the Muslims that for a better and

collective society they should remain generous and avoid the

meanness, selfishness, and stinginess of mind and misery.

verse 43 describes purification process of mind and body

through prayer as it is soul refiner.

Verses 44-57 guides the Muslims ( after moral preparation

and improvement of their soul and body through prayers) how

to avoid the cunning practices of Jews.

Verses 58-72 guide the believers to trust in the honest and

qualified people, those who do just and right and obey God.

Moreover, these verses warn the Muslims/ believers of the

punishments in case of disobeying.

Verses 73-100 directs the believers to fight against hypocrisy

without any cowardness and weakness.

Verses 101-103 describe that offering prayers is must even it

battles and wars.

Verse104, repeats the importance of staying persistent on the

bravery during battle.

Verses 105-135 are about the standards of justice in Muslim

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series



Furthermore verses136-175, again retract the defense

mechanism against the plots of hypocrites, unbelievers and

people of the book and repeats the true direction of following

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for success.

The Verse176 is an extension of (1-35) which is on family

laws and smoothness of community.

Chapter-5 Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Food, The Repast, The Table)

Overview of the Topics

Al-Maidah is Medinan Surah. It has 120 Verses. The main

topics are: consolidation of Islamic community, warning to the

rulers against the corruption and misuse of power,

consequences of not following the correct path. Rules of

hunting, lawful food, ablution, stealing, drink, intoxication,

gambling, and Oaths.

Summary of chapters

Verses 1-10, talk about the obligations of Muslims regarding

divine laws of Food, sex, prayer and other matters.

Verses 11-26, warn the believers about the errors of their

forefathers of not following the right path and also direct the

believer to follow the correct path and restrain from the path

which was followed by Jews and Christians earlier.

Verses 27-32 talk about the stories of two sons of Adam and

relates it to the plots of the Jews and Christians who were

planning against prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his


Verses 33-40 are about the punishment of spreading the

chaos is Islamic state. The believers have been directed to

follow strictly the right way. The emphasis on the purity and

proper use of property has been given.

Verses 41-50 are about the advice given to prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) to not worry about the plots of

disbelievers (Jews and Christians) as they have already

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


forsaken their divine books bible and gospel.

verses 51-69, warn the believers not to make friendships with

Jews and Christians.

Verses 70-86 are about the Jews and Christians and states

that Christians are better than Jews as among them some are

inclined towards truth.

Verses 87-108 are about the lawful and unlawful matters of

life which have already been stated in verses 1-10.

Verses 109-119 describe the ways in which God will call the

prophets. It states the conversation of Prophet Jesus with

God. Then God will ask from the prophet to confirm whether

they gave the people false hopes, the prophet will decline it.

The verse 120 concludes the chapter and address Mankind to

believe in God , fear Him, follow Him as he is all-powerful.

Chapter-6 Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle

Overview of the Topics

The Al-An'am is Medinan Surah. It has 165 verses. The main

topics are: Instruction regarding Islamic creed, oneness of

God, Life after Death, Belief in Prophethood and the practical

applications of these aspects/beliefs in human life.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-12 warn the disbelievers about the punishment of

their forefathers as they denied form the true path and same

will be their destiny on denial. Quran states this world's

respite should not be taken as source of escape from the day

of judgment and punishment.

Verses 13-24 are about Tauhid (oneness of God) and refusal

by atheists (The ones who deny God). The Quran states

refute as biggest obstacle on the right path of acceptance of

God as one.

Verses 25-32 Quran sketch the life after death of disbelievers

to warn them about the consequences of rejection.

Verses 33-73 are about prophethood. The viewpoint of Holy

Prophet (PBUH), his mission, limitations of his power and

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


attitude towards believers has been addressed. These verses

discuss the point of view of disbelievers pertaining to

prophethood who disbelieve of prophet being the messenger

of God.

Verses 74 -90 relate to the story of prophet Abraham to the

prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the Arabs were opposing the

same from believing.

Verse 91-108 gives the proof of prophethood and the

revelation of Holy Book as divine book.

Verses 109-154 give the evidence of Quran being the Book of

God through the divine restriction contrasting them with Arabs

superstitious restrictions.

Verses 155-160 are about the Jews and pagan Arabs who

have been criticized for comparing the Quran with Torah to

escape the punishment of the day of Judgment.

The concluding verses161-165 instruct the prophet to preach

and communicate Islamic system articles and implications

fearlessly and beautifully.

Chapter-7 Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights)

Overview of the Topics

The Al-araf is a Medinan Surah. It has 206 verses. The main

topics are: Invitation to the divine message, God covenant

from all souls, creation of mankind for a single soul and

detailed story of Moses

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-10 invite the people to follow the message of

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the divine message and in

parallel with this, it warns about the punishment in case of


Verses 11-25 relate the story of Adam to his dependents and

warns them about the consequences of following the plots of


Verses 26-53 contrast between divine and satanic

instructions and describes the consequences of following

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


either of the two.

Verses 54-58 emphasize following true path of God and

resembles it with the rain that is sent to give life to dead earth.

Verses from 59-171 are about the lives of well-known

prophets like Noah, Hud, Salih, Lot, Shuaib, Moses and the

behavior their nations towards divine message. These verses

also describe that they rejected the divine message and faced

the consequences and stress upon following the message of

Prophet Muhammad as a source of escape from the

punishment and the bad consequences faced by earlier


Verses 172-174 narrate, the story of Israelites and the

covenants taken by humanity at the time of appointment of


Verses 175-179 give example of the one who had the

knowledge of true path but he denied and treated the

message falsely. This example is related to instruct the

people to follow the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (to avoid the

punishment of disbelieve and disobeyers who disposed

despite having the knowledge and was punished by being

sent to hell) to avoid the hell.

Verses 180-198 warn those who don't use the faculties

properly to understand the message of God and warn them of

the serious consequences of their attitude towards message.

Verses199-206 focus on instructions given to the Holy

Prophet and his followers about the right attitude for the

message sent to them. The conclusion again re-emphasis on

the consequences of rejection.

Chapter-8 Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)

Overview of the Topics

This a Medinan Surah which has 75 Verses. Main topics

discussed are: The Problems of Jihad. war spoils, battle

Badar, rules about distributing spoils of war.

Summary of Chapters

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verses 1-41 are about, the spoils of War. Quran says that

don't call these spoils of war call it the bounties of All. The

main aim of the war is not to collect the spoils but to eliminate

the unfavorable conditions from the establishment of Islam.

These verses explain the shares of spoils of war.

Verses 42-54 talk about the battle of "Badr" to show the

victory of Islam over ignorance. The story of badr has been

narrated as a lesson for Muslims to trust God and be ready

for the war so that Satan cannot deceive them.

Verses 55 -59 are about the fulfillment of the treaties and

guide the Muslims to strictly follow the treaties until or unless

the other party breaks them.

Verses 60-66 guides the Muslims to always be ready for war

but should also be ready for peace if other parties inclined

towards peace.

Verses 67-71 are about the instructions pertaining to war


Verses 72-75 are about unity, and directs the Muslims to

unite against opponents and become polite with one another.

Chapter- 9 At-Taw bah (The Repentance)

Overview of the Topics

This a Medinan chapter that has 129 Verses. The main topic

is war and peace

Summary of the chapter

Verses 1-12 are about the party of treaties and rules and

regulations which must be strictly followed by Muslims unless

the other party does not break them.

Verses 13 -37 direct the Muslims to fight with the non-

believers (The Jews & Christians) and warn the non-believers

about the consequences of their mischievous acts.

Verses 38-70 are about rewards they will receive as promised

by God if they take active part in conflict with disbelief.

Because this is the criteria that distinguish the Muslims from

Hypocrites and true Muslims should take part in jihad without

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caring about dangers, difficulties, and temptations.

Verses 73-90 are about the problems of hypocrites and also

distinguish the characteristics of hypocrites from true

Muslims. These verses also provide the rules to govern the


Verses 91-110 are about the people who did not accompany

the Holy Prophet in Jihad to Tabuk (Ghazwa Tabuk) and talk

about the different categorize of people who could not join

Prophet (PBUH). The categorize included the disabled

people, the sick, the indigent, hypocrites, believers who

confessed their mistake of not joining upon the return of Holy

Prophet (PBUH). All the categorize of the people will be

judged on the day of judgment based on their intention and

circumstances of not joining Tabuk.

Verses 111-118 are about characteristics of the believers and

they have been assured to have the help and guidance from

God. The Chapter states that three categorize of the believers

which could not take part in Tabuk will be forgiven because of

their sincerity.

verses 119-127 deal with the general instructions of guidance

for believers.

Verses 128-129 conclude the message, that follow the

massager who is true well-wisher and trust God, the Lord of


Chapter-10 Surah Younus (Jonah)

Overview of the Topics

The Younus is Meccan chapter. It has 109 verses. The main

topics are: The story of Hazat Younas and creation of the


Summary of the chapter

Verses 1-10, describe Quran as a book of Wisdom and state

that universe has been created in six days, sun is like a lamp

and moon is like derived light. The chapter talks about the

signs of wisdom available for wise people in the creation of

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heavens, earth, sun, moon, day and night.

Verses 11-20, say when afflictions touch man he calls upon

God but when God removes the same he becomes

disobedient. The same has been repeated in 21-30 verses

with the addition when people suffer and after coming out of

suffering, they start plotting against God. The worldly life has

been described though example of rain and harvest. Those

who do evil deeds, they will face the consequences and the

people who they worship will be of no help to them on the day

of judgment.

Verses 31-40 question humans that "Who is the provider of

necessities for them, from the heaven and the earth and who

controls their hearing and sight? and also answer that God

control everything and these verses also discuss the divinity

of the book and challenge people to bring a Surah like it if

they are truthful.

The verses from 41-60 discuss that the disbelievers of Quran

will be losers. God does not wrong to the people but people

themselves do wrong to them. The last day the people will

recognize each other and they will think that they stayed in

this world maybe only for an hour. The verses explain that

people asked from Prophet Muhammad that when the

occurrence of the day of judgment will happen. Then Quran

Answers to prophet that, it is God who knows all the unseen.

Verses 61-74 bear witness that God is a witness over

everything in which humans are involved and Nothing is

hidden from God on Earth and heavens. The Surah further

says that the disbelievers only follow the falsehood and

examples of Noah have been explained in these verses.

in verses of 75-97 the chapter tells the story Moses, Aroon

and Magicians and describes the only few people believed in

Moses. It says that God settled Moses in Egypt , Pharaoh and

his people were drowned in the sea. These verses describe

that repentance at the last moment is not accepted as the

pharaoh asked for forgiveness at the last movement and said

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that he believes in God. But God did accept the remittance at

last moment and saved his body and made him an exemplary

sign for generations to come.

Verses 98-106 describe that belief after seeing the scourge

does not benefit any community except of Younas (Jonah).

The concluding part from 106-109 verses says that God is the

only remover of the hardships, guidance has come, follow

and disobey is your choice.

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 123 verses and main

Topic of the Surah as mentioned form the title is about the

Prophet Hud and his nation Ad. It further talks about the

creations of God, the story of Noh, Saleh, and Thamud. It

talks about the angels, Abraham, and story of punishment of

people of the Lut. This Surah categorized the people into two

groups, one is the hearing and seeing, others are blind and

deaf. Based on these themes the below section of the verses

has been made.

Summary of the chapter

Verses1-8 are about divinity of Quran and present in detail

that God knows what disbelievers conceal and what they

declare. And God provides, the living to all creatures and God

knows their places of dwelling and place of storage. Further,

these verses talk about the creation of universe in six days

and when God's throne was on water and also tell that God

created this world to test people.

From 9-24, the verses describe the human as ever ungrateful

and encourage the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not to get

discouraged because wrong attitude (Mockery ) of

nonbelievers. Moreover, God is telling prophet to challenge

people to bring 10 Surah like Quran if they are truthful in their

behavior of mockery. Further these verses assure the full

reward of their deeds in current world who desire to succeed

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in current world but they will not have any reward hereafter.

Moreover, God describes two types of people, one is

believers and the others are disbelievers. The believers are

people who hear and see while the disbelievers are blind and

deaf. God assures by comparing them, that these groups

cannot be equal.

From verses 25-48 Quran tells the detailed Story Noah. The

nation of Prophet Noah underestimated his prophethood and

said you are followed by the people from lowest ranks and

they disbelieved him and his sayings. Therefore, God ordered

Noah to make a boat and load pair of every species of

creatures along with believer and when Noah made the Boat

and loaded all the creatures with believers then one flood

came and ruined all the nation of Noah along with his son as

he was also a disbeliever. This story tells whoever disbelieves

will taste the punishment even if someone is son of a prophet.

Verses from 49-60 tell about the story of Ad to home God has

sent the prophet Hud.

The verses from 61-68 tell the story of Thamud the national

Prophet Saleh. They were tested by a she-camel. but the

people killed her as sign of disbelieve.

The verses from 69-83 are about the angels came to Prophet

Abraham in the disguise of human being. Prophet Abraham

recognized them as they were not eating the offered food.

The angels give him good news of his son Prophet Isaac, and

also informed that they came down on earth to destroy the

people of Lut because of indulging in homosexuality. The

nation of Lut was destroyed through the rain of stones. The

wife of Prophet Lut was also killed as she was also among

the disbelievers.

Verses 84-95 tell the story of Prophet Shoaib who warned his

nation to stop weighting unjustly but they denied and were

punished because of not following the discourse of God.

The verses from 96-100 cover the story of Moses and

Pharaoh and the people of Pharaoh who will be sent fire on

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the day resurrection.

Verses 101-113 state the everybody will be sent to hell or

heaven according to their deeds and they will be there

forever. These verses direct humans to not follow the

footprints of wrongdoers as their forefathers did. The verses

advise the Muslims to stay firm in their belief and follow the

guidance of God as He is all-seeing.

In verses from 114-123 the chapter direct humans to

constantly offer the prayers as they remove the wrongdoings,

help them in doing good deeds and constantly remind them in

seeking advice from God. Furthermore, God does not destroy

cities unjustly if the people of the city were reformers. The

verses concludingly say, If God wills everybody would have

been on the right path but the word of God has to be fulfilled,

that He surely will fill the hell with the Jinn and Humans

Chapter-12 Surah Yusuf (Joseph)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 111 verses. The main

topic is the story of sons of Prophet Jacob mainly the story of

his beloved son Prophet Joseph.

Summary of the chapters

Verses 1-111 narrate that faith of Prophets Abraham, Isaac,

Jacob and Joseph was same as of prophet Muhammad. All

prophets invited people to message of God. The chapter

compares the character of Prophet Joseph with his brothers

with narration of the story with the king Alaziz of Egypt and

his wife. The story tells that whatever God wills, he fulfills it

anyhow. A man can never defeat his plan with his counter


It also tells about the story of the brothers of Prophet joseph

who have thrown him in a well with intention to get rid of him

as their father loved him (Prophet Joseph) more than them.

But this act led another sequence of events that made

prophet Joseph a ruler of Egypt. In series of events finally, the

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

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brother of Joseph went Egypt to his brother, their brother

recognized them and they humbled themselves in the end.

Similarly, the wife of Aziz sent Prophet Joseph to the prison

by charging the sexual assault but in fact it also proved as an

opportunity for him to become ruler of Egypt.

In conclusion the chapter has a lesson that, humans cannot

beat plans of God. The believers who possess the true

characters can survive despite the envoy and evil acts of

blood relations and rulers of time and become the king as per

will of God.

Chapter-13 Surah Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 43 verses. The main

topics are: Thunder, Creation of world and Muhammad

(PBUH) as the true messenger.

Overview of the Topics

Verses 1-4 state Quran as Miracle of God which was

revealed to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). God brings the

night as a cover and the day as a clear sign for the people

who use their mind and ponder over creations of God.

From verses 5-16, the message of Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) has been stated as a true message. However, it is

stated that the disbeliever asked for a sign to be sent down

from their old so that they believe. but God says to Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) that you are only a warner. Your job is to

deliver the message of God. and God is All-knowing. God will

not change the condition of people as long as they don't

change their state themselves. It is He who shows you

lightening as fear and hope. Fear of thunderstorm and with

the hope in the form of rain. Everyone willingly or unwillingly

prostrates before Him even their shadows prostrate before

him two times in the morning and the evening. God is the

creator of all things. God says those who answer, the Lord

call is rewarded in paradise and those who deny are punished

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with hell.

Verses 17-31 discuss the two groups of believers and

nonbelievers in detail with the glad tidings for believers and

fire for non-believers as rewards for their deeds. God says

that if He had willed He could have guided all mankind but He

preferred to test them with their free will to recognize God,

obey Him and get the reward or deny Him and chose hell as


Verses 32-43 state about the prophets sent from time to time

were mocked by the disbelievers. God says those who

disbelieve the signs of God will face the torment in this life

and life hereafter. The signs of every messenger are with and

from the Will of God. And God is reducing the land from its

boundaries and He is the one who will bring the day of the

judgment. The chapter concludes with words that God plans

are above all the devised humans' plots. God bears the

witness the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God

and this book is a divine revelation.

Chapter-14 Surah Ibrahim (Abraham)

Chapter-15 Surah Al-Hijr (The Rock City, Rocky Land)

Overview of the Topics

Al-Hijar is a Meccan Surah. It has 99 Verses. The central

them of the Al-Hijar is that on the day of Judgment the

disbelievers will wish to have the life again and practice the

sayings of God but they will not be given the chance. This

chapter Argues for Tauhid by narrating the story of Adam and


Summary of Chapters

from verses 1-15, this chapter states that on the day of

judgment the disbelievers will wish that they were Muslims.

The disbelievers ask God why he did not send the angels to

make the belief but God says, even if he had opened the

gates of heaven they would not have believed.

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from 16-42 the chapters explain, God is the creator of All the

stars, heavens, earth, mountains , man and invisible spirits.

God created Adam and ordered angels to prostrate before

him. All obeyed except Iblis, who refused in vanity and God

then expelled him from paradise and give him respite till the

day of judgment. And the Satan promised God as you have

put me to error, I will surely mislead your people on earth and

make sure that they disobey you.

from 43-86, the chapter explains the seven doors of hell and

explains the story of Abraham when the angels came to know

to tell them about the good news of their son Isaac as well as

the bad news of destruction of nation of Lut. these verses

also repeat the story of Prophet Shoaib nation. this Surah is

about people of Thamud who used to make houses on the

top of the mountains and felt boosted. But God has seized

them because of their false pride.

from verses 87-99 that God gave the glad tiding to Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) that don't be sad by the worldly

possession of the people. We have given you the great gift in

form 7 of the most repeat ayahs and the whole Quran and in

concluding God says to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that

God Knows, that your breast is constrained by what they say,

but worship your Lord till the death.

Chapter-16 Surah An-Nahl (The Honey Bees, The Bee)

Overview of the Topics

Surah Nahl is Meccan Surah. It has 128 Verses. The main

theme of Surah Nahl is different aspects of message of

Tauhid (Oneness of God) and refutation of Oneness of God,

God favors and blessings for mankind, Signs in Cattle and

Honey bee

Summary of the chapter

In the verses from 1-27, the chapters describe that command

of God will come at its right time so be not impatient for it. He

is the one who has created the man from a sperm-drop and

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then human has become his open opponent. If humans start

counting the favors of God, they cannot count them. God

knows what humans conceal and what they declare and

warns accordingly.

In the verses from 28-40 the verses describe that God has

sent messenger in every nation who invited them to righteous

but the disbelievers excused and said that if God wanted, we

would not have worshiped anyone else.

In the verses from 41-114 the Quran says, that those who

migrated because cruelty of their nation's disbeliefs, God will

surely settle them in good place in this world. God can cause

the disbelievers from any direction. All creations prostrate to

God so do their shadows. God says that whenever man is in

distress, he calls upon God but he is revealed he at once

associate others for the relief. One sign for mankind is the

cattle as milk comes from their bellies between excretion and

blood. and Another clear sign is that God revealed that

female bee makes honey from their belly, similarly God has

made for you your mates and from your mates your sons and

grandchildren. God distinguishes the wrong does from right

does from giving examples of slave and dumb and free and

wise. The ones who are slave and dump and free and wise.

and both cannot be equal. The day of judgment is near and

command for the Hour is not but as a balance of eye or even

near. God says that birds fly with God's command. God gives

the example of thread maker women who untwisted her

thread after it was strong, this example is to show the oath

humans take in order to deceit will end but the oath of God

will remain. Satan can only affect those people who have

weak beliefs.

Verses 115-128 talks about Halal and haram and states that

Halal and haram and define by God. It's not humans' tongue

which can state lawful or unlawfulness. In concluding part

God says to the messenger don't be grieved by the Plots of

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the disbelievers as God with the righteous. Preach them with


Chapter-17 Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey)

Overview of the Topics

The Al-Isra is a Meccan Surah. It has 111 Verses. It was

revealed on occasion of Miraj. This is a powerful combination

of warnings and instructions. Main topics are: Night Journey

of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), good treatment with parents,

poor, relatives and travelers, angel prostration, nine evident

signs of Prophet Moses

Summary of Chapters

verese1-43 talk about the event of Miraj. God told that Israeli

will make mischief two times in the land and two times they

will be punished. Man is hateful. Each individual has his teeth

in his neck and will be opened on the last day. No one will

bear the burden of others. Whoever desires the life of this

world, God gives him what he wills. And whoever desires for

hereafter, God gives them if they strived for it. Do good

treatment with parents. Give to traveler, the poor, the

relative, the neighbors their rights. Abortion and killings of

children are not allowed.

The verses from 44-77 state the believer in the hereafter is

necessity to understand the Quran. If you doubt the Quran

then God clearly says that he will call you on the day the

judgment and you will think that you have remained in this

world except for a short time. On the judgment everything will

be destroyed. Nothing prevents God from sending his signs

but the former people denied them. Again, the Mirage has

been mentioned in the Surah. God has stated the Adam

prostration story again in these verses when Satan decline

and rest of angels prostrated Adam as per direction of God.

77-111 verses prescribed and state the additional prayer for

prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Truth has come and falsehood

has vanished. Spirit is the command of God. God challenges

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the humans and Unseen spirits to produce a Quran like this.

Dis believers demanded some miracles as they had objected

that God has sent human prophet to human beings. but God

says if there were angels on the Earth, we would have sent

down messenger from the angel still they would have denied

it. Also, he further explained it by giving the example of

Moses who was given the nine evident signs and people still

denied him. The conclusion part the verses 110-11 instructs

to offer prayer with the voice not too loud nor too quiet. All

praise belongs to God

Chapter-18 Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave)

Overview of the Topics

Surah Kahf is a Meccan Surah. It has 110 verses. The main

topic are: Story of Campanian of cave, story of the two men,

the believer and non-believer and also the journey of Moses

with slave of God. It also explains the store of Zulqarnain.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-31 describe the Quran as a simple and easy book. It

is warning to those who say that God has a son. Even O'

Muhamamd if you kill yourself due to grief they will still not

believe. It tells the story of companions of the cave. God

created up their hearing and kept them sleeping for more than

hundreds of years. They were young who declared the truth

about oneness of God and sought refuge in the cave by

fearing the persecution. God put them in state of asleep and

the son was inclining away from their cave. You would think

that they were awake but they were asleep. When they were

awakened. The question about their stay in the cave that how

long we stayed in the cave. People question the number of

the companion of the cave. Some say they were three and

fourth was their dog. some say they were four and fifth was

their dog and some say they were sixth and so. God says

don't dispute the trivial issue of their number, they stayed in

the cave for the 309 years. there identify was only disclosed

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to resolve the disputed issue of life after death. God wants the

prophet and the believers that whoever, you promise to do

something in future always say if God wills.

Verses 32-48 tell the story of two-man, one was believer and

the other was nonbeliever, the non-believer has gardens and

was boosted because of gardens. He bragged that I don't

think that it will ever perish. And the believer said if I am

brought back to my lord, I will surely find better than this.

Then God has vanished his gardens and bestowed the

believer with better than he possessed.

49-59 God says all your deeds are being written in book

whether small or big. Then Quran again states the Adam and

Satan story.

The verses from 60-82 tell the detailed story of Moses and his

meeting with slave of God who was given knowledge. Moses

came to know that God has given him knowledge which he

doesn't possess. Then he followed him to learn things from

him. He traveled with him and learned about the wisdom acts

of God.

Verses 83-110 are describing the story of Zulqarnain and the

nation who pleaded him to save them from the destruction of

Gog Magog by constructing a wall between them and Gog

Magog. Then God tells that at the time of last hour Gog

Magog will be released and in the concluding verses from

109-110 God says, the words of God are countless even the

seas become ink and all the woods become, they cannot

write all Gods words and Muhammad (PBUH) is a human

being like you.

Chapter-19 Surah Maryam (Mary)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah Marraym is a Meccan Surah. It has 98 verses. The

main topics are: Story of Marry and the birth of Jesus, story of

Zachariah, Yahya/John, Abraham, and his father's dialogs.

Summary of Chapters

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Verses 1-15, tell the story of Zakariya and Jonah. The glad

tiding of John.

The verses from 16-40 tell the story of Marry, his son Jesus'

birth as token and sign of God. The story has already been

explained in previous section.

From verses 41-50 the verses show the dialogue between

Abraham and his father. Abraham said, indeed, there has

come to be a knowledge that has not come to you, so follow

me. I will guide you to the right path but he denied and

Abraham left and his folks.

From verses 51-55 the story of Moses has been told. The

story of Tur mountain has been explained and it is stated God

has called him from the right side of Tur.

Verse 56 tells the story of idrees/Enoch.

From 58-59 the story Adam, Noah and the decedent of

Abraham and Israel has been stated.

from 60-74 it talks about disbelievers and says that if we

would die would we brought forth alive. God's Quran says,

God will surely gather them and God saves those who fear

him and will leave the wrongdoers within hell.

From 75-85 the verses state that God increases the guidance

for those who were guided in their guidance and increase the

error of wrongdoers. Moreover, in these verses God

questions, don't you see that we have sent devils on

disbelievers inciting them to do evil with constant incitement.

from verses 88 to 92 the Quran states the disbelievers falsely

associate a son to God.

The concluding part, says that the Quran has been revealed

in the Arabic language so that the people may be warned be

with the good news. And Quran asks for prophet Muhammad

to tell the people , that we have already destroyed many

nations before that and you don't even listen about any of


Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

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Overview of the Topics

Surah Ta-ha is Meccan Surah and it has 135 verses. The

main topics are: Story of Moses, the fire and story of God

speaking to Moses, story pharaoh and Moses.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-8 t state that Quran is only a reminder for those who


From verses 9-112, the story of Moses is described when he

came to fire and went to it and God spoke to him that I am

your Lord, take off your shoes and God commanded Moses

to go to Pharaoh to preach him the right path and also

bestowed Moses with two miracles as a clear sign of God.

Moses prayed to God, please expand my chest and appoint

my brother as minster (assistant) for me. Further, it tells the

revelation was made to Moses' mother to pack him in the

chest and throw it into the river. and as per direction of God,

Moses went to Pharaoh and preached him about God with

clear signs. But pharaoh denied all the signs and said that

these are nothing but magic. He invited all the powerful

magicians to compete against Moses. An event was

appointment where magicians compete with Moses and were

defeated. In return all magicians prostrated to God and

accepted the preaching of Moses. However, Pharaoh has

denied and followed Moses with his army. And God has

drowned him along with his allies and made Moses and his

companions successful.

from 113-127 the verses state the story Adam, Satan and

angels which have explained in earlier sections.

from 128-135 the concluding part is given which says, that

there are signs for intelligent people. don't long far worldly

benefits rather seek God's pleasure if you won't attain the

blessed end.

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Chapter-21 Surah Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 112 verses. The main

topic of the surah as name specifies is the prophets and

creation of heaven and earth.

Summary of Chapters

Verses 1-47 discuss the objection of the disbelievers, that a

messenger cannot be a human being. As they believed that

life was merely a sport and pastime. And there is no concept

of accountability. In these verses, it has been narrated that

the warnings of Prophet Muhammad were nearly threats.

Verses 48-90 tell the stories of the prophets to show that all

prophets were human beings with extra abilities given to them

because of prophethood. These verses also describe the

story of Prophet Younas and the famous dua " There is no

worthy of worship but you (God). Glory is to you, surely, I was

among the wrongdoers." These verses further describe that

All the prophets had same way of life and they were sent to

the people who were mischievous and wrongdoers.

The verses from 92-106 narrate that those who will follow the

right way will be successful on the day of judgment and those

who discarded will see the worst consequences.

The final verses from 107-112 describe the sayings believers

that it is great favor of God that he sent his messenger to

inform us before the coming of the afflictions and righteous

will inherit earth

Chapter-22 Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah Hajj is Medinan Surah. It has 78 verses. The main

topic of Surah Haj the Pilgrimage as its name shows.

Moreover, the chapter also tells the existence of God,

sacrifice beside haj. The chapter also tells the one day of

God is equal to 1000 years for humans. There is Satan/Devil

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associated with every prophet, those who don't follow devil

and submit to God are rewarded with success.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-10 describe the terror of the last hour and logical

reply from daily life proofs towards the doubts about the day

of judgment. The example of Embryo, the creation of human

and then the old age has been quoted as an example to

prove the day of judgment. The Chapter states that people

dispute about God without any knowledge.

Form Verses 11-20, The Surah discuss the people who

worship God but stand on an edge if they are touched by

good, they become happy and if the strikes by trail they turn

away their faces. And there is admonition for the people who

don't believe that God assists his followers in this world and in

the world hereafter through an example of an angry person.

From verses 21-51 the chapter states the punishments for the

disbelievers like garments of fire, boiling water and beating

with ironed hammers. These verses also describe that God

commanded Abraham to build Kaaba. And God tells the All

the cattle are haram, except those which are mentioned as

haram. Moreover, God says He does not look at the

flesh/quantity of the sacrifice, your purity and intention

reaches to Him. God says that it is not the eyes that are blind

but the hearts in the breasts are blind. The one day of God is

equal to 1000 years of human on earth.

From verse 52-78 it has been stated the Satan distracts the

prophets and followers of God from his remembrance, but

those who are adamant, Satan cannot control them. God

challenges' the disbeliever, that they cannot create even a fly,

and if a fly snatches their food, they cannot get it back.

Moreover, in these verses, God directs the believers to fight

in the name of God, offer prayers, give alms, and hold the

rope of God as he is the best of the helpers.

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Chapter-23 Surah Al-Mu'minun (The Believers)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 118 verses. The main

theme of the chapter is characteristics of the believers. It

explains the creation process of humans from embryo to a

complete body. It also tells the story of Prophet Noah, Lut,

Moses and explains after death abutment of the spirit. It also

states that on day of judgment people will feel that time spent

on earth was less than a day.

Summary of the chapters

In verses 1-11, The chapter tells the traits of the believers and

orders to the believers of good character to establish the

prayers, give alms, don't sex with anyone except their wives

or their right possess.

The verses from 12-50 tell the stages of creation of humans

from Embryo to bones, to flesh, to the creation and death.

Next these verses explain the story of Prophet Noah, it tells

the story of disbelievers of Prophet Noah which were

drowned by God. Further, it states the story of prophet Hud

and states how God has destroyed his through a mighty blast

as they were disbelievers. Next story of Prophet Moses and

Pharaoh has been narrated which explained in earlier

sections and further the story of Marry and Jesus has also

been stated.

From verses 51-95 the chapter states there is one region for

all mankind. God does lay burden on any soul more than his

capacity. Disbelievers also say that everything is created by

God, however, they don't believe in hereafter.

from 96-118 God says repel evil with God. God Talks about

the humans that when death will come, they will wish to go

back to the world but there will be a barrier better them and

current world. On the day of judgment, no relation will be

helpful to the men. Disbeliefs will try to talk to God that day

but God will not speak to them. The chapter concludes, that

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people will be asked how long they stayed in the world. They

will say a day or a part of the day. In the end the chapter has

prayer of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that please forgive us

and but be merciful to us as you are merciful and gracious.

Chapter-24 Surah An-Nur (The Light)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is a Medinan Surah. It has 64 verses. The main

topics in the chapter are fornication, false witness, accusing

spouse, rumors, attributes of social and private life,

Guidelines of marriage and creation of life.

Summary of the chapters

The verses from 1-25 state the fornication are not allowed

and punishment of 100 lashes is prescribed for the fornicator.

Adulterator shall not marry but with an adulteress or

idolatress. These verses also tell the punishment of 80

lashes for the false witness of fornication. It prohibits false

acquisitions on spouses.

The verses from 26-34 states to shun rumors and orders to

first verify and then speak. In these verses God unclean

things are for unclean people. It further prescribes to take

permission before entering the houses. These verses

recommend the guarding of private parts and mixing with

opposite sex. These verses also guide believers to marry

widows, singles, and slaves.

From 35-60 the verses describe that God is light of earth and

heaven, he has the authority to grant the light to the people.

without his will no one can have the light. Every creation

glorifies God. Moreover, the verses that all living creatures

are created with water. God promised the believers that he

will surely grant succession and authority upon the earth if

they do righteous deeds.

The verses from 61-64 describe the antiques of eating and

give permission to believer to eat from other than their own

houses. These verses also say that before leaving get

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permission from prophet as the calling of messenger is not

like calling of an ordinary man. In the concluding part, the

verses describe that everything on heaven and earth belongs

to God and the day when people will return to him, he will tell

them what they used to do in this world.

Chapter-25 Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion)

Overview of the Topics

The Furan Meccan Surah. It has 77 verses. The main topics

of this chapter are the judgment day, the barriers between

two seas, the traits of wrongdoers and righteous.

Chapter Summary

From verses 1-20 the chapter describers the Quran as source

to distinguish between right and wrong. It also describes the

blames of disbelievers on Quran and Prophet as the people

objected how a person who eats, drinks and walks can be a

prophet. Why God has not sent an angel as a messenger.

On the last day, the false deities will deny the claim divinity

and will hold people responsible for the disbelieving.

from verses 21-53 the logic of revelation of Quran in intervals

has been explained. It also tells the story of prophet Moses,

Noah, Hud, and Lut. Furthermore, in these verses God says

that he could make the shadows stationary.

from 53-65 the Quran tells the intricate barrier between the

two seas salty and other sweet as a sign from God. It further

tells the creation of world in 6 days, and God calls himself as

Rehman. and describe son as a lamp and moon reflecting


From verses 66-77 the traits of righteous and wrongdoers

have been explained. The righteous people have described

as those who tell the truth and don't support falsehood and

pass through the wrong activities with care, and also pray to

their God for their spouses and offspring's which are the

source of pleasure/comfort for them. Moreover, the verses

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also describe that God does not care about the ones who

don't believe him.

Chapter-26 Surah Ash-Shu`ara' (The Poets)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 227 verses. The main

topics of The Quran are that God signs are everywhere. It

explains the detailed story of Moses, Abraham, and his father,

prophet Hud, Noah, Saleh, Lut ,Shoab and Muhammad.

Moreover, it describes Muhammad is not a Poet but a

messenger of God.

Summary of the Chapters

the verses 1-191 describe God signs are everywhere. but

most people don't believe. Then it describes the story of

Moses and pharaoh. Further it explains the story of Abraham

and his argument with father against idles. It also describes

with story of Noah, Lut, shoaib, and Hud and their dialogues

with people of their nation who denied them and were


from 191-220, this chapter describes the Quran was revealed

by God through angel Gabriel. Quran is not revelation by

Satan and stans are banished from hearing this.

The verses from 221-227 describe that the devils are sent to

the people who are sinful liars and listen to hearsay.

Furthermore, these verses say that the poets are astray as

they say what they don't do. So, the Prophet Muhammad is

not a poet but the messenger of God.

Chapter-27 Surah An-Naml (The Ant, The Ants)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 93 verses. The main topic

is story of Moses, the story of prophet Solomon, his miracles

and his dialogues with aunts. It also tells the story of Queen

of Shaba, Prophet Saleh, and Lut stories. The chapter tells

the logical science for all the creations.

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Summary of the chapters

from verses 1-58, it has been described that Quran is

guidance and good tiding from God. It tells the story of

Moses, his miracles, his family. Moreover, it tells the story of

Prophet Solomon, his miracles, like understanding the

language of birds, ruling over birds, Unseen spirits and

humans. Further, it tells the diallages between aunts and

Prophet Solomon. The letter of invitation to accept the right

path from Prophet Solomon was sent to queen of Shaba, and

her acceptance of right path. It also tells the story of bringing

Queen of Shaba's throne is twinkling of an eye by a slave

who was given the knowledge of books by God. Further it

describes the story of prophet Saleh, Lut (which are explained

in earlier section) who were saved by God and their nations

were destroyed for their wrongdoing.

Form 59-80, the verses, tells the logical signs of world

creation and everything in it. God says, that he begins

creation and repeats it and he is the provider from heaven

and earth.

From 81-93 the beast of earth has been explained. It will be

an animal that will be sent before the day of judgment as a

sign from God for disbelievers. The animal will talk to the

people. Then next verses explain the day of judgment. How it

will happen. The Quran says, that mountains will also move

like clouds when trumpets will be blown. That day God will

show the signs and people will recognize it.

Chapter-28 Surah Al-Qasas (The Stories, The Story)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 88 Verses. Main topics in

the chapter as the name describe it tells the story of Prophet


Summary of the chapters

The verses from 1-84 tell about the birth of prophet of Moses,

his survival from Pharaoh, his upbringing inside home of

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Pharaoh, by mistake killing of a person of opposite tribe by

mosses, his journey away from Egypt to median, his meeting

with daughters of Prophet Shoaib, serving their for 8 years as

per agreement and his marriage with the daughter of Prophet

Shoaib, then return of prophet Moses with his family to Egypt,

the revelations of God to him, invitation to Pharaoh to accept

God, rejection of Pharaoh and plot of Pharaoh to kill Moses

and ultimately death of pharaoh and his army.

From 85-88 God addresses Prophet Muhammad to

communicate the book which was revealed to him for


Chapter-29 Surah Al-ʻAnkabut (The Spider)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah, it has 69 verses. Main topics

are: tria l of believers, Obeying and disobeying parents, story

of Noah, Abraham, and Lut. The chapter also gives the

example of spider web to relate to the temporariness of the


Summary of the Chapters

The verses 1-13 describe that the people who believe will be

tried for what they say they believe. It prohibits to obey

parents if they try to associate others with God. It also

prohibits to follow those who say that they carry your sin on

the day of judgment.

From verses 14 - 44, the story of prophet Noah has been

described that he preached to his nation for 950 years. It also

describes the story of Abraham how he was saved from fire.

Further, it tells the story of prophet Lut, shoaib and story of

Qaroon, pharaoh, and Haman. God also gives the example of

those who take allies other than God, their example is like

example of spider, who takes home and the spider's home is

the weakest of the houses.

From 45-59, verses describe the establishment of prayer and

benefits have been narrated as it saves from indecency and

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lewdness. Further verses prescribe the believers to argue

with the people of the book in the best manner.

Verses 60-69 further tells that most of living creatures don't

store and carry their food with them. they are fed by God. It

concludes the world is nothing but a child play and a pastime.

Chapter-30 Surah Ar-Rum (The Romans)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 60 verses. The main

topics are prediction of defeat and glad tidings for Romans,

God signs are everywhere, Riba or interest or usury, cloud

and rain formation and time of stay on earth will look like an


Summary of the Chapters

The verses 1-4 talk about roman prediction of defeats and

good tidings for both Romans and Muslims, that they would

conquer on Persians and Meccans.

The verses-5-16 say that God does not fail in his promises.

Furthermore, this chapter asks from the people that have they

not traveled through earth and observed, how the end of the

people before them. Then Quran that earlier people were

more than powerful than you.

The verses from 17-38 tell the timings of the prayer and tell

that God has the power to bring living from death and make

the dead living. His signs are evident in heaven and earth, in

diverse languages, and in different colors. The religion Islam

is best and natural religion for men.

39 verse describes the difference between usury and Zakat.

Verses from 40 - 50 express that the pollution or corruption has

spread all over the world. These verses tell the process of

raining. These verses say that stay on earth for humans is

like stay for an hour. It asks the believers' to be patient as the

promise of God is true.

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Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 34 Verses. The topics

are Quran, Heavens, and story of Luqman and his advice to

his son. It gives instructions about parents. It also tells the

knowledge of six things with God.

Summary of the Chapters

From verses 1-9 this chapter describes the Quran as a wise

book for believers who have accepted Islam, who establish

their prayers and believe in the day of judgment. It also

describes the foolish people who spend on spreading

misleading words. It also describes the gardens of pleasure

for the righteous people as a reward in the hereafter.

from 10-11 the verses describe the creation of heavens and

earth. That God created heavens without pillars and put on

earth the mountains to balance it.

The verses from 12-13 tell the story of Luqman and his advice

to his Son Luqman was blessed with the wisdom by God. He

was also grateful for the blessings of God. The Luqman

advised his son to be thankful to God as being Thankful to

God is good for him. God does not need his thankfulness but

he needs God.

From 14-26 God advises, the care for the parents as the

mother carries man and weans him for two years. However, if

the parents say to disobey God then don't obey them. In later

verses (16-34), Luqman advised his son not to walk on earth

with pride, and talk humbly with low tone as the high sound of

donkey is the most disliked voice on the earth. God will bring

forth in diet even of the weight of mustard seed. God has

made everything subservient to humans.

From 27-34 say that God's words are infinite, cannot be

written even when all trees become paper and all seas

become ink. Moreover, the verses ask the people to be

beware of disobedience of God. The verses state the

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knowledge of five things is only with God, which are: the day

of judgment, the quantity of the rain, destiny of the child in

wombs of mothers, what a person will do tomorrow and when

the people will die?

Chapter-32 Surah As-Sajdah (The Prostration, Worship)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 30 verses. The main

topics are "Quran is a divine book, it is not invented by

Muhammad " Creation of Man , One day of God is equal to

humans 1000 years, Previous Nations, Questions about the

last day.

Summary of the Chapters

From 1-22 chapter states that Quran is not invented by

Muhammad , it is sent by God who has created the heavens

and earth in six days. and one day of God is equal to 1000

years. and God created man from clay and a liquid. And God

has appointed the angels of death, who will take your soul.

And God says I will fill the hell with disbelieve and unseen

spirits. But there will be special awards for those who forsake

their beds for prayers. God says that people of hell will try to

get out of it, but will be sent back to the hell and will also

receive the punishment in this world.

From 23-30 states that God has made leaders from previous

nations. The disbelieves asks when the time is of the last day,

say only God knows, then wait as they are waiting.

Chapter-33 Surah Al-Ahzab (The Clans, The Combined Forces)

Overview of the Topics

This is a Medinan Surah. It has 73 verses. The main topics of

the Surah are: Zihar "Declaring wife as unlawful", wives of

prophet are like mothers for believers, Battle of Trench, Ban

Quraizah, Divorce options for the wives of prophet and double

punishment, story of Zaid, Lawful women for prophet, Veil

Summary of the chapters

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The verses 1-6 start with instructions to not obey the

disbelievers and hypocrites. It further declares that wife does

not becomes anyone's mother just by his sayings, neither

someone called as son becomes the real son. Wives of

Prophet are mother for the believers and blood relationships

are entitled to inheritance.

Then verse 7-8 says that God took oath from the prophets

including Muhammad (PBUH) before appointing them.

verses-9-15 describe the favors of God to the believers during

battle of the trench.

The verse-16-25 says that there is a Good pattern of living for

you in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

verses 26-27 describe the Jewish tribe Quraizah, and how

Muslims got victory over them.

The verses 28-33 are about wives of prophet and describe

that wives of prophets will have double punishment if they

commit sin. There is also divorce option for the wives of

Prophet. There is also double reward for their good deeds, as

they are not like ordinary women, so there should be no soft

talks with strangers and the opposite sex because God

intends to purify the people of household of the messenger.

Verses 35-48 describe the type of righteous men and women.

It tells the story of Hazrat Zaid the adopted son of prophet

Muhammad (PBUH), and God commanded Muhammad

(PBUH) to marry the divorced wife of the adopted son of

Prophet Muhammad. Further, God wanted to declare the

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not the father of anyone of

you among men and he sent as a witness and as a bringer of

good news and a warner.

The verses 49 -53 describe that God declares no Idat or

waiting time for untouched wife. The prophet was given to

marry more than 4 wives and it was also said prophet cannot

take other than current women.

from verse 53-54 Quran says that God has ordered the

people to take permission to enter prophet Muhammad's

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(PBUH) house also the verses prohibited the Muslims to

marry wives of Prophet.

Verse 55 is about the commandment of veil for women.

Then verses 56-73 say that God recites the blessings on

prophet, so shall all Muslims. These verses also declare the

veil for Prophet's wives and believing women. Moreover,

those who follow the Prophet Muhammad and his teachings

will be rewarded and hypocrites and nonbelievers will be


Chapter-34 Surah Saba' (Sheba)

Overview of the Topics

The Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 54 verses. The main

topics of the Surah are: Story of Prophet David, Solomon and

their miracles and people of Saba.

Summary of the Chapter

The verse-1-13 describes that God has knowledge of

everything. Further, it narrates the story of David, Solomon

and his miracles.

From verses 14-54 it describes the death of prophet

Solomon. Further, the verses talk about the people of Saba

who rejected God's blessings and were strayed. It also

narrates that Prophet Muhammad is the bringer of good

tidings and warner to the people. People from rich cities

always rejected God's message. Prophet Muhammad invites

you're for the good only without asking for any payment. The

chapter ends with the resaying that on judgment day the

disbelievers will desire to go back to the world and obey God

but they will not be given the Chance.

Chapter-35 Surah Fatir (The Originator)

Overview of the Topics

This is Meccan Surah. It has 45 Verses. The main topics of

Surah are types of angles, two seas and praise of God as the

most powerful.

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Summary of the Chapter

The verses 1-10 state that God has made the angels as

messengers. God has given them wings, some have two,

some have three or some have several wings. The merciful

doors of God open by his will. Quran emphasizes on the

verses to tell the believers not to consider this world as whole

world or don't feel in trap of the worldly life. The judgment day

will happen. Just like the rain on earth, God brings life to

death. So, humans will also have a life again.

From verses 11 -45 God says that He has the knowledge of

pregnancy, old age, and additional life. Moreover, Quran

states that the barrier between two bodies of water, is the

sign from God. Blind and seeing are not equal nor the

darkness and the light and the shade and the heat in all

nations. Gods sent prophets in all nations as the bringer of

good news and warner of the punishment. God holds

heavens and earth and everything happens with his will, no

one can change the way of God.

Chapter-36 Summary of Surah Ya-Sin

Overview of the Topics

Surah Yasin is Meccan Surah. It has 83 verses. It tells the

logic of sending Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Recording of

acts and footprints, Story of a town, creation of man and his


Summary of the Chapters

In Verses 1-12 God swear that Muhammad is the messenger

and was sent to warn the people whose forefathers were not

warned. There will be chains around their neck and barriers

before and behind the wrongdoers on the last day. Recording

of acts and footprints is in a clear register.

From 13-35 the verses talk about a town where God has sent

three prophets but the people denied them and considered

them as the false messengers. It further tells story of a person

from village who accepted the prophets and also asked the

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people to follow the prophets. He was rewarded with heavens

because of his belief in God and accepting the prophets.

From verses 36 -40 it is stated that everything is created in

pairs. Sun and moon are revolving in their orbit.

The verses from 41-75 are about the blowing of trumpet on

the day of judgment and reaction and saying of the people

that they will feel that they have been awakened from the

sleep. Then they will be told, it's the day of judgment for

which you were promised. That day, they will not speak, there

will be seal on their mouth but their hands and feet will speak.

and will tell what they have done. Then Quran says that have

not we guided them by sending a prophet who told them the

clear guidance and book. People cannot blame God, as God

clearly guided them through the clear book and signs from

their own body which changes with increase in age. People

said that sayings of the Prophet are poetry. This was against

the honor of prophet as prophet came with clear guidance for

the people. Moreover, this chapter also states that people

should have learned from the four-legged animals (cattle's

which were given in their possession).

Chapter-37 Surah As-Saffat (Those Who Set The Ranks)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 182 verses. The main

topics of the Surah are: Disbelievers' denial and their situation

in hell, scene of paradise and hell, Abraham's story, his trial of

sacrificing his Son, Jonah Story, prediction of Victory for

every messenger.

Summary of the Chapter

from verses 1-11 this Surah starts with the swearing of God

by those who are in rows. God has adorned the nearest

heaven with stars and made it safe from the devils.

Moreover, God asks from humans that is creating them

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harder or creating objects like heaven and earth?

From verses 12-50 state about denial of disbelievers in this

world and their situation on the day of judgment. On the

judgment day there will be dialogue between the people and

their worldly false leaders then they will blame one another.

On that day, the chosen slaves of God will be in pleasure in

paradise and with them will be their spouses with large

beautiful eyes.

from verses 51-74 the chapter states the dialogues between

the people of Hell and paradise. The people of paradise will

speak to their companion of the world when they will see

them in the depths of hell, they will say by God you had

almost ruined us but by God's favor we escaped from your

ignorance. The people of paradise will feel happy and say

that they have supreme triumph. These verses also tell about

the tree of Al-zakoom which will be served to the people of


The verses from 75-82 tell the story of prophet Noah again

which is explained in earlier sections.

the verses from 83-163 tell the story of Abraham, how he

recognized the true God after realizing the limitation of

accepted Gods of that time like the Sun, Moon, Stars, and

Idols. And then, he prayed to God for a righteous son. Then,

Abraham saw a dream where he was slaughtering his son.

He told his dream to his son and consulted him about the way

forward. His son Ismail replied that if God wills so, then I am

ready. In surrender of Both Son and Father, God accepted

their sacrifice and preserved his son by sending cattle for

slaughtering. And then Abraham was given the Good news of

the son of Isaac. There is also the mentioning of prophet

Moses and Aron, Ilyas/Elijah, Baal, Yasin, Prophet Lut, and

Jonah. It also tells how prophet Jonah ran away in a ship and

became loser of lot and he was thrown into the sea and a fish

swallowed him, then he asks for forgiveness from God, he

was thrown on a shore and God accepted his forgiveness and

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sent to him to 100,000+ people.

From Verses 164-182 state about angels that they stay in

rows and follow commandments of God. In concluding

verses, God gives prediction of victory for every messenger.

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 88 verses. It covers the

stories and miracles of Prophet David. It also tells the story of

two litigants about their sheep. It also covers story of

Solomon and his famous prayer. It also covers the story of

Ayyub, Adam, angels and Devil's story.

Summary of the Chapters

From verses 1-16 the Quran tells the rejection of disbelievers

that when a messenger came to them, and he preached that

there is only one God, but they did not listen to him.

From verses 17-33 the story of David, his miracles, and story

of two litigants is explained. Among litigants one had 99

sheep's and the other had one. the person who had one

sheep complained that he is being threatened by the owner of

99 sheep. He wants to have my one. they both approached

prophet David for the resolution of dispute. And with

Guidance of God the David has settled the matter between


from verses 34-40 tell the story of trial of Prophet Solomon

when God put a body on his throne, then he immediately

turned to God and prayed, "my Lod forgive me and bestow

upon me a kingdom that none after me will deserve. Surely

you are the bounteous giver". These verses also briefly

describe the prophet Solomon's miracles.

From verses 41-44 the story of Prophet Ayyub, his sickness

and relief, and fulfillment of his oath by the branch of tree or


The verses 45-49 God talk about His servants Abraham,

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Isaac, and Jacob as they were blessed with great vision.

These verses also remind about Ismail, Elisha, and Zulkifl

and say that all were the best.

The verses from 50-68 draw the sketch of paradise and hell.

From verses 69-88 the story of angels and Satan has been

repeated as explained earlier. The chapter describes the

address of God to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that tell the

people, I don't ask for any recompense for the

message/guidance I give you. This is a mere warning for all

people around the world as you will all know the truth of the

matter after this life.

Chapter-39 Surah Az-Zumar (The Crowds, The Troops)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 75 verses. The Topics

discussed in the verses are Creation, 8 pairs of cattle, lyres of

darkness in womb, springs and sweat waters because of rain,

Quran is consistent, Death while sleep, Promise of God of His

mercy and scene of last day.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10 The chapter declares Quran as a true book

and describes the creation of heaven, earth, day and night,

Sun and Moon all have been created by God. God has

created 8 pairs of cattle. It is God who creates the humans in

Wombs of their mother in three layers of darkness. Quran

further states that no one will bear the burden of others.

When adversity touches man, he calls God but when He

favors him, he forgets Him.

Verse 11-32 say that Muhammad was commanded to follow

pure sincere religion and become the first of the Muslims.

Wrongdoers will be in the fire. But those who fear their lord

will have lofty chambers and lofty halls in the heaven. All the

springs are sweat waters are because of rain. The Quran is

constant book, it covers matters by providing examples so

that people can understand.

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From Verse 33-41 it is written that if God intends harm no one

can save. and If God intends blessings no one can hold.

The verse of 42 describes that God takes away the soul of

people at the hour of their death as well as he takes away the

soul at the time of sleep, then he retains the should and he

returns for whomever he wills. Surely there are signs for the

people who think.

Then verses 43-62 say that intercession lies with God. He is

the dominion of the heaven and earth. On the day of

judgment wrongdoers will not be able to ransom themselves

even if they would have entire earth to give as a ransomed or

its double. These verses again talk about human nature's

inclination towards God in case of problems and his nature of

going towards worldly stuff when God provides him good

conditions. God promises His mercy for His slaves. On the

day of judgment, the faces of the people who lie about God

will be black.

From verses 63 -67 , God states that the keys of heavens and

earth belong to Him, Earth is in His grip and heaven is in His

right hand and people don't recognize the true worth of God.

From verses 68-80, the Quran tells the process of day of

judgment and evaluation of human deeds on that day. it says

that on day of judgment first the trumpet will be blown to kill

everything on heaven and earth. The trumpet will be blown

again to awake everything on earth and heaven. Then on that

day, everyone will be evaluated with justice. Wrong does will

be sent to hell and the righteous will be sent to paradise in

groups. The verses also sketch the throne of God

surrounded by angels and how people of paradise will be

thankful to God.

Chapter-40 Surah Ghafir (The Forgiver (God), Forgiving)

Overview of the Topics

This is a Meccan Surah, it has 85 verses. The main topics

are disbelievers' attitude in this world, and their situation in

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hereafter, the past nations, story of Moses and mention of a

believing man in Pharaoh court, the Dialogue in hell between

weak and arrogant and stage of human creation.

Summary of the chapter

The verses from 1-10 tell that no one disputes the existence

of God expect disbelievers. It states that angels carrying and

surrounding the throne of God pray for the believers. On the

day of judgment, the disbelievers will confess their Sins and

will ask for a way to get out of hell anyway and will for anyway

but they will not find any way.

From verses 11-46 state that God sends the spirit of His

command to however He wills. God knows the traitors of an

eye. Old nations who have been destroyed were more

powerful and prophet Moses was sent with clear authority.

After that the verses tell prayer of Moses, that I seek refuge

with God and A believer gave a speech in favor of Moses in

the court of Pharaoh. Pharaoh ordered Haman, to build a

tower, so that he may ascend to the sky to see God. The

believing man said that worldly life is only temporary

enjoyment. God protected Moses from the evils they plotted

and pharaoh is exposed to fire every morning and evening.

The verses from 47-70 describe the dialogue in the hell

between weak and arrogant people. God promises of help to

the messenger and believers by advising them to be patient

and keep asking for help only from God. God says, call me; I

will respond to you.

From verses 61-80 describe that God is the creator of all

things and the stages of human creation are from dust to

drop, to clot , to child, to maturity, to old and death. God gives

command of "be" and it becomes.

From 71-80 the verses sketch the situation of deniers on the

day of judgment, they will have chains around their neck.

They will drink the boiling water and will enter in the hell.

There will be no benefit of faith once God's punishment

comes. it is the established way of God.

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Chapter-41 Surah Fussilat (Expounded, Explained In Detail)

Overview of the Topics

This Surah is a Meccan Surah.it has 54 verses. It covers the

stages of creation of earth and heaven. Story of Ad and

Thamud. Description of Last day, sights and skin will speak

on judgment day. Repel evil with God, the logic of Quran in

Arabic, God will show His signs within us and around us.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-10 state that the language of Quran is Arabic but

the people don't hear and turn away. Creation of earth was

done in 4 days with all its provisions and completion of seven

heavens and declaration of the nearest heaven with lamps

(stars) was done.

From verse 13-33 the story of Ad and Thamud has been

described that how they were destroyed for disbelieving God.

The ad were destroyed by screaming wind and Thamud were

destroyed by a blast. The next verses sketch the scene of

brining the enemies of God and states that they will be

gathered in rows. their hearing, sights, and skin will speak as

witness against them. No favor and forgiveness will be given

that day. that day the followers from unseen spirits and

humans will wish to crush those who mislead them. to the

believers' and the ones who will be sent to paradise will be

given all they wish, desire and think.

From 34-45 verses command to repel evil with the Good so

that enemies become friend. Night, day, Sun and Moon are

signs of God and worshiping of these signs is prohibited.

There is no falsehood in Quran and nor it can enter in it.

Quran is sent in Arabic because it should have been sent in

the language of first listeners where the prophet was born.

Quran is healing. Man links his success to his abilities and

assumes no return to God. Man falsely thinks even if there

would be hereafter, he would have the best share there as

well. Deniers should think if Quran is from God then what

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would be their End. God will show His signs within us and

around us.

Chapter-42 Surah Ash-Shura (The Consultation)

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 53 verses. The main

topics are: Quran in Arabic to warn the mother of cities,

Muhammad (PBUH) has been sent with the same religion as

that of previous prophets, If God extended provision, people

would have become tyrant, affliction is the result of your own

deeds, giving or Not giving children is by will of God, men

cannot speak to God directly expect three ways.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-14 state that God would have dropped the

heavens if the angels were not praying for the forgiveness of

humans on earth. Quran was revealed in Arabic to warn the

mother of cities. All keys of the universe are with God, He

extends and restricts His provision whomsoever He wills.

Muhammad was sent with same religion as that of Noah,

Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Mankind has been divided out

of jealousy and animosity.

The verses from 15-48 say that those who want worldly life,

he will be given some of it without any share in hereafter.

Muhammad has not invented a lie against God. God could

have sealed his heart otherwise. If God extended provision,

people would-be tyrant. He sends provisions in due

measurement. God signs are: the creation and dispersing of

creatures in the whole universe. Whatever affliction you

receive is result of your own deeds. Ships, seas and winds

are the signs of God. Tidings of rewards and punishment are

also described in these verses.

From 49-53 verses say that it is God who gives children either

male or female or makes some people barren. It is not

possible for men to speak to God directly expect in three

ways which are revelation, from behind a partition, or through

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messengers. Moreover, the Quran says that Muhammad new

thing about this book before.

Chapter-43 Surah Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has 89 Verses. The main

topics of the Surah are that Quran is reserved in the original

mother of books created by God. Disbelievers associate

females and angels to God. The logic of social position and

economic classes. The devil becomes a companion of those

who don't remember God. Moses' story, Pharaoh body as

token, Son of Marry, description of paradise and hell.

Summary of the Chapter

From Verses 1-15 the chapter says the Quran is the book

reserved in original mother of books. Even undelivered know

the tall is created by God. The example of resurrection is the

same as growth from the soil.

16-32 Disbeliefs associated females and angels with God as

his daughters but God refuted this. Social classes and

economic positions are given to test humanity.

The verses from 33-45 say don't be surprised by the

abundance of wealth of wrongdoers. God appoints Satan to

those who don't remember Him. The devil becomes their

companion. God told Muhammad (PBUH) that he will punish

disbelieve in Life Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and afterlife of

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The verses from 46-56 tell the story of Moses and Pharaoh

who was drowned and God preserved his body and made it a

token for coming generations.

The verses 47-79 tells the story of Jesus (the son of Marry)

who was sent to Israelites with signs. On the day of judgment,

there will be on fear of believers' and descriptions of hell and

paradise are also given in these verses.

The verses from 80-89 say that O' Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) tells the disbelievers that if God had a son then I

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would have been the first of the worshipers of him. So, turn

aside from them and say peace to them. They will soon know

the reality.

Chapter-44 Surah Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 59 Verses. The main

topics are: the revelation of Quran in a blessed night on which

matters are decided, Moses' story, doubts in resurrection, no

friend will help his other bosom friend on the last day, tree of

Zaqum, description of Paradise.

Summary of the Chapter

The verse 1-16 describes that the Quran was revealed in a

blessed night, in which different matters are decided wisely

but people are in doubt. They are asked to wait till the day

when sky will bring visible smoke.

From 17-33 Moses' story and the description of Pharaoh and

his followers have been given with the edition that once the

pharaoh and his people were destroyed their land was

inherited to others. Neither did heaven weep for them nor the

earth. God says we purposively choose Israelites over others


The verses from 34-50 are on doubts of disbelievers on

resurrection and the example of people of tuba quoted and

God says he did not create all things in play but in truth. On

the day of judgment on friend will help his other friend. The

food for wrongdoers will be tree of Zaqum. Their heads will be

poured with boiling water and they will taste it, God will say,

taste it, you were indeed the mighty and nobles.

The verses from 51-59 describe paradise it is gardens,

springs, silk garments and wedding with beautiful women with

large eyes, forever life. God advises the believers to wait as

all the disbelievers are waiting.

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Chapter-45 Surah Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling Down, Crouching)

Overview of the Topic

This is Meccan Surah; it has 37 verses. The main topics are

Sign of Gods are everywhere, all the universe is to serve

humanity, Israelites made sects in their religion after receiving

the knowledge, every nation will be kneeling and crouching

on the last day.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-15 tell the signs of God are everywhere: in

heavens, earth, in the creation of humans, in other creatures,

night and day, in rain and winds. There is a woe to every

sinful liar and before him is the hell. Everything in the

universe is to serve mankind and is subjected to God. Forgive

those who don't believe in days of God, evil and good all are

for your own self.

From verses 16-27 say that Israelites made sects in their

religion after receiving the knowledge. On the day of

judgment, God will not make wrongdoers and righteous

equal. God says have you seen the one who worships his

own desire, despite the fact that knowledge of God has

reached him and who is astray. The disbelievers say that

there is no life after death. Only time kills us and they claim

that bring our dead forefathers back if you are truthful.

The verses from 27-37 state that every nation will be kneeling

before God on the last day. All their records will be placed

before them and judgment will be made.

Chapter-46 Surah Ahqaf (Winding Sand-tracts, The Dunes)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 35 verses. The main

subjects are the creation in truth, Quran has similar old

message as Torah, Commandment to treat parents kindly,

gestation and weaning time period is in total 2.5 years, story

of group of unseen spirits, who became preachers after

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hearing Quran

Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-14 tell that all things are created with truth

and for a specified term. God owns all the powers. Say O'

Muhammad, I am not a new messenger, this the same old

message which has been given to previous nations. I have no

knowledge of unseen. I don't know even about my own future.

Quran confirms the revelation of the Torah, which was given

to Moses.

From verses 15-20 God commands to treat parents kindly. It

also describes that the gestation and weaning period is 2.5


From 21-28 there is story of Ad who lived in region of Ahkaf.

Before prophet Hud, they were warned by many other

warners but denied their message and were destroyed.

From verses 29-31 tell about the story of a group of unseen

spirits that heard Quran and became the preacher to their


verses 32-35 tell that God is able to give life to the dead. He

is competent over all things. So, be patient. On the last day

people will think, that they stayed on earth only for an hour of

the day.

Chapter-47 Surah Muhammad (PBUH)

Overview of the Topic

The Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 38 verses. The main

Topics are: mentioning of Muhammad's name, fighting

instructions, martyrs will be in paradise, previous generations

were stronger, traits of hypocrites, worldly life is only


Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-5 start with mentioning the name

Muhammad (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) and glad tidings for

believers that God will remove misdeeds of the believers.

This Surah also gave fight orders. Slaying, taking captive,

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freeing after taking ransom, these all instructions are tested to

some of you by others.

verses 6-14 express that the martyrs will be in paradise

already known to them. God says help cause of God, God will

help you, otherwise already many dead reached their end

before you. Disbelievers eat like cattle and previous

generations were stronger than your city.

from verses 15-26 sketch the scene of paradise and hell, in

paradise there will be springs of water, milk, and honey, fruits

and forgiveness and in hell there will be fire and boiling water.

The day of judgment is getting closer as its process has

already started. The believers' demanded a Surah to order

fight but when it is sent, the hypocrites started staring at you

like a man who was near to death.

The verses from 27-34 describe the time of death of

disbelievers that angel will beat them at their faces and back.

If God had willed, He would have shown you the real faces of

hypocrites in this world.

The verses from 35-38 forbid to weaken and call your

enemies for peace. Worldly life is only an amusement. you

are invited to spend in God's cause, but whoever withholds

only withholds for himself. God will replace them with others

not like them.

Chapter-48 Surah Al-Fath (The Victory, Conquest)

Overview of the Topic

The Surah is Median surah. it has 29 Verses. The main

Topics are: manifest victory of Prophet Muhammad,

allegiance on the prophet's hand is like that on God's hand,

excuses of companions for not going for battle, the promise of

future booty, dream of prophet of doing Hajj in Makkah is


Summary of the Chapter

The verses 1-10 say that O' Muhammad, God has given you

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a manifest victory and has sent peace in the hearts of

believers. Heaven is the destination of believers and hell is for

hypocrites. Muhammad has been sent as a witness, bringer

of glad tidings and as a warner. Allegiance on the prophet's

hand is like allegiance on God's hand.

The verses from 11-22 discuss about the excuses of the

people for not going on to the battle as they thought believers

will not return back. They would have wanted to go with you if

the chances of getting spoils were easy. But there was no

blame on sick, lame, blind if they don't go for fight. These

verses also discussed the Allegiance of believers on the hand

of the Prophet (PBUH) beneath the tree and the promise of

future spoils to the believers.

Verses 22-29 discuss that God can defeat the disbelievers

now but He has a different plan for them and He is not

defeating them because there are some believers in the

Makkah. Dream of the Prophet of doing Hajj in Makkah is

based on truth. The concluding part of the Surah describes

the characteristics of the believers as described in old


Chapter-49 Surah Al-Hujurat (The Private Apartments)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is the Medinan Surah. It has 18 verses. The main

topics in the Surah are: etiquettes of meeting and calling the

Prophet, investigating news and rumors, what to do in case of

fight between Muslims, etiquettes of moral behavior,

wandering Arabs say they believed, in fact they only


Summary of the Chapter

from 1-13 verses, God gives commandment not to speak loud

in front of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and take care of

etiquettes of calling and meeting the Prophet (PBUH), when

he is in private life. God also commands to investigate the

news and rumors before spreading ahead so that you may

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not harm people out of ignorance. In case of fight among

believers make peace, then fight against the one that

oppresses. It also tells the etiquettes of moral behavior such

as don't ridicule, insult or call others by bad names and avoid

many assumptions and also don't spy and backbite because

backbiting is like eating flesh of your dead brother.

From verses 14 -18 elaborate that God created all human

beings from a single soul. The noblest among men is the one

who is the most righteous. Wandering Arabs said they

believed, in fact, they only submitted. People do not give

favor to the Prophet (PBUH) by accepting Islam.

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Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 45 Verses. The main

topics are: wondering of disbelievers on the Prophet being a

human and from among them, blessings and favors of God,

mentioning of nations of previous Prophets, God created the

man and He is nearer to him than his jugular vein. Two

record-keeping angles with everyone, Scene of the judgment


Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-11 are about the disbelievers wondering

that a warner has come from among them and they doubt on

the day of judgment. God has a record of everything.

Blessings and favors of God are for believers.

Verses 12-14 mention the nations of Noah, Thamud, Ar Ras,

Ad, Pharaoh, Lut, People of Tubbah and People of Aikah


From verses 15-38 Gods says that He has created the man

and He is nearer to him than his jugular vein. Two record-

keeping angels have been appointed for every man. On the

last day, every soul will come with a driver and a witness. Hell

will be asked, are you full, hell will answer are there any

more? And paradise will be brought near. The Verses further

describe that God created everything in six days without any


From verse 39-45 the timings of prayers have been given. On

the last day, a crier will cry and earth will split from above

them and that will be the day of emergence.

Chapter-51 Surah Ad-Dhariyat (The Wind That Scatter)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan surah with 60 verses. The main

topics are: the tidings of punishment and reward, Heaven is

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full of paths, provision of earthly life and future promise,

Abraham's story, Abraham's story, dwelling place of the

people of Lut, a token for mankind, unseen spirits (Jinn) and

mankind have been created to worship God.

Summary of the Chapter

In verses 1-10 God swears by angels or the beings having

diverse tasks that the recompense He has promised is true.

Heaven is full of paths. Tidings of punishment for wrongdoers

and reward for righteous. There are clear sings of God in

yourself. The provision for the earthly life is from God and the

future promise of heaven is right. This is true just as you


verses 24-37 tell the story of Abraham when angels came to

him and gave the tidings of a son. Abraham's wife cried that

she was aged how it was possible. The same angels then

went to Lut and destroyed the Lut nation with marked stones.

The dwelling place of Lut's nation is a token for mankind.

Verses 38-40 tell the story of Prophet Moses and drawing of


Verses 41-42, tell the story of Ad, who was destroyed by dry


The verses from 43-45 describe the story of Thamud who

were destroyed by a mighty blast.

Verses 46 -60 express that God constructed heavens with His

hands and created expanse and created everything in pairs.

The unseen spirits (Jinn) and mankind are created only to

worship God and He does not need anything from mankind.

Chapter-52 Surah At-Tur (The Mount, Mount Sinai)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah, With 49 verses. The main topics

are: Swear of Tur Mount, description of hell and paradise,

challenge to produce a statement like Quran, Prayer timings.

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Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-6 start with swearing of God by Tur mount, Book

Populated house, High roof, and Boiling sea that the

punishment will surely occur.

Verses 7-16 give the description of the last day , that the

disbelievers will be sent to fire which they used to deny.

Verses 17 -29 describe that Righteous will be in paradise.

They will be weeded with the women of gorgeous eyes and

God will also raise their children to that level. They will be

served with fruits and meat through serving boys. Their

dialogues with each other have been described in the verses.

Verses 29-47 are stating that Muhammad (PBUH) is not a

mad man or a poet. God challenges you to produce a

statement like Quran and warns disbelieve that were they

created by themselves or have they knowledge of unseen?

God says, leave them until they meet their day.

in verses 48 -49 , prayer timings are described.

Chapter-53 Surah An-Najm (The Star, The Unfolding)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 62 verses. The main

subjects are: detail descriptions of the fist revelation to

Muhammad (PBUH) and his Miraj, no acceptance of

intercession of angels or others except God wills, Purpose of

creation, man gets what he strives for, Sex either Male or

female is because of the semen, Muhammad is a warner

similar to previous ones.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-18 provide detailed description of the first revelation

to Muhammad (PBUH).

Verses 19-32 mention the Idols: Lat, Uzza and Manat. These

goddesses were only the inventions of humans. No

intercession of angels or others will be accepted except for

God's will. Those who don't believe in hereafter call the

angels with female names. The purpose of creation of

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mankind is to test who among you do the good deeds.

Verses 33-49 describe the story of a person who gave a little

and then refrained. No bearer of the burdens will bear the

burden of others. Man gets what he strives for. God makes

people laugh and weep, causes death and life, and decides

sex whether male or female. God is the Lord of Shira.

The verses from 50-62 are about the nations of Ad, Thamud,

Noah and describe that Muhammad (PBUH) is a warner

same as the previous Prophets. No one can stop the last day

of judgment, so prostrate to God and worship alone.

Chapter-54 Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 55 verses. The main

topics are: the hour of the day of judgment is near, moon will

split apart, story of Noah, Ad, Thamud, Lut.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-8 describe that the day of judgment is near

when the moon will split apart. Disbelievers deny every sign

and consider our signs as a magic. Last day people will

emerge from their grave like locusts.

The verses form 9-16 describe the story of Noah. God made

his boat a token for those who ponder.

Verses 17 -21 say that Quran has been made easy to


Verses18 -22 describe the story of Ad and their destruction by

screaming wind.

Verses 23-31 describe the story of Thamud who was

destroyed by one blast from sky.

The verse 33-40 describe the story of Prophet Lut and

destruction of his nation through a storm of stone.

From 41-42 describe the story of pharaoh.

The verses from 43-55 describe the prediction of defeat of

disbelievers in this world as well as in hereafter. criminals will

be in hell. God has created everything with a measure. God's

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command is equal to the twinkling of an eye. Every small and

great thing is being recorded.

Chapter-55 Surah Ar-Rahman

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 78 verses. The main

topics are: " Which of the favors of God you will deny?" God

created man, Heavens, Balance and all in Justice, man

created from clay, the unseen spirits are from fire, two seas

side by side with an invisible barrier, God created for you all

in this world and many blessings in paradise.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-13 says that God taught Quran, created Man, gave

the man eloquence, Created heavens in balance and all in

justice. God asks from the whole mankind and unseen spirits,

"which of the favors of your God will you deny"?.

Verses 14-25 describe that man is created from clay and

unseen spirits from fire. God created two seas side by side

with an invisible barrier that cannot let them intermix and


Verses 26-32 tell that everything in the universe will perish.

All people seek the favor of God for every matter.

Verses 33-36 describe that God addresses the assembly of

jinn and Man and says that you cannot escape God.

Verses 37-45 describe the last day of judgment and

conditions of criminals in the hell.

The verses from 46 to 77 describe the paradise: there will be

gardens for the righteous , two springs, untouched, two more


Then verse 78 says that Blessed is the name of your God

who is the owner of majesty and honor.

Chapter-56 Surah Al-Waqi'ah

Overview of the Topic

This surah is a Meccan Surah. it has 96 verses. The main

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topics are: the three groups of people on day of judgment, the

first group is of forerunners, the second is people of the right

hand and the third is people of the left hand, all things are

created by God.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-56 describe that on the last day, all will become

dust, dispersing everywhere. People will be divided into three

groups: i) The forerunners, ii) the companion of the right, and

iii) the companions of the left hand. The reward for the

forerunners will be woven throne, young servants, drinks,

fruits, meat of birds, fair spouses with large eyes, and reward

for the people of right hand will be lot trees without thrones,

layered fruits, extended shades, high thrones, virgins of equal

age. There will be punishment for the people of left hand in

form of fire, boiling water, shade of black smoke, tree of

Zaqum. They will drink like thirsty camels.

Verses 57-74 describe that God created humans and has the

power to produce in the form which you even don't know. It is

God who has created all things, not humans.

Verses 75-96: God swears by the settings of the stars, this is

a mighty oath if you know, Quran is in well-protected book, all

stated above is based on the truth and certainty.

Chapter-57 Surah Al-Hadeed (The Iron)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 29 verses. The main

topics are: people are only the custodians of wealth, those

who spent wealth before Makkah Conquest and others are

not equal. On the last day, believers will have light in front of

them. Hypocrites will have no light. Paradise width will be like

width of heavens and earth. No disaster strikes but written in

the book.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses from 1-9 describe that all in heavens and earth glorify

God. He created all in six days and He has the knowledge of

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everything. Humans are just the custodians of wealth.

Verses 10 -20 describe why people don't spend in God's

cause, those who spend before Makkah conquest and others

are not equal as the former are greater in rank. Give loan to

God so that He may return it by multiplying. On the last day,

believers will be in the light, hypocrites will have no light. A

wall with a gate will be erected between heaven and hell.

Inside the wall, there will be mercy but outside that there will

be torment. Life of this world is nothing but play and pastime

and endorsement and boosting and a delusion and example

of the rain and growth.

Verses 21 -25 describe that paradise width is like width of

heaven and earth. No disaster strikes people but what is

written in the Book. God has sent down the scriptures, the

balance and iron.

Verses 26-29 mention the story of prophet Noah, Moses,

Jesus and mention monasticism in Jesus' followers that it is

their own invention not the order of God.

Chapter-58 Surah Al-Mujadilah

Overview of the Topic

The Surah is Medinan Surah. it has 22 Verses. The main

topics are: the clarification and expiation of concept of "Zihar",

hypocrites greet Muhammad with different greeting, etiquettes

of private meetings and of assemblies, commandment of God

to offer alms before the questioning or talking with Prophet.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses from 1-7 talk about disputing women asking the

Prophet (PBUH) regarding the pagan practice of Zihar among

ancient Arabs (Calling your wife as mother does not make

them your mothers). These verses also explain that free one

slave or fast for two months or feed 60 poor's if you have

committed this practice. Nothing is hidden from God as He is

omnipresent. In the private talks of three-person, God is their

fourth. Similarly, in the private talks of 5 people , He is their

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Verses 8-22 describe that the hypocrites greet with

Muhammad (PBUH) with a different greeting which may have

double meanings. Secret counseling is bad. Etiquettes of

private meetings and assemblies have been described. God

Commands believers to offer alms before talking or

questioning with prophet but relaxation is also given. On the

last day, wrongdoers will swear to Him as they swear to

prophet. God's decree will prevail that His messenger will

surely overcome.

Chapter-59 Surah Al-Hashr

Overview of the Topic

The Surah is Medinan. it has 24 verses. The main topics are:

the exile of Jewish tribe of Bani Nadir, Spoils and introduction

of Fay (The spoil you get without battle is not yours but of

God and His Prophet), traits of Hypocrites, 17 attributes of


Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-10 tell about the exile of Jewish tribe of Bani Nadir

because of their opposition towards God and His Prophet.

Cutting of Palm trees is by God's will. Spoils that believers get

without battle are not there' s and are not Fay. These belong

to God and His prophet and have 5 shares.

Verses 11-12 describe the conspiracy of hypocrites together

with people of the Book and Bani Nadir. God told believers

that they cannot fight with you even if they unite together as

they have division in between themselves. Hypocrites are like

the example of Satan when he says to man disbelieve, and

when man disbelieves, he says, indeed, I am not associated

with you in this act. If Quran was sent on a mountain it would

have humbled and come apart from fear of God. Glory be to

God and the concluding verse describe 17 attributes of God.

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Chapter-60 Surah Al-Mumtahanah (The Examined One)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is the Medinan Surah. It has 13 verses. The main

Topics are: " Prohibition of friendship with enemies of God

and Muslims", examine the women who come from the region

where your enemies live, Prophet (PBUH) gets allegiance

from women on 6 things.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-6 describe that don't make friends with those who

are enemies of God and the Muslims. Moreover, don't send

secret messages even if you have the relatives on another

side. An example of Abraham has been quoted that he was

disassociated from his folk, although, he prayed for his father.

In verses 7-20 God gives the prediction of friendship between

Meccans and Medinan. God forbids friendship with those who

fight with you because of religion and expel you from your

homes. Examine those women who come from the region of

enemies and don't send them back, give them their bridal

dues, if you lost your women to the disbelievers or they went

on the other side. Then, give those whose wives have gone

the equivalent of what they had spent. Prophets (PBUH) can

get allegiance from women on six things: i) they will not deny

the oneness of God, ii) will not steal, iii) will not indulge into

unlawful sexual intercourse, iv) will not kill their children, v)

will not bring forth slander and vi) will not disobey God and

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Chapter-61 Surah As-Saff (The Ranks, Battle Array)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 14 verses. The main

topics are :God loves those who fight in His cause united,

prediction of Ahmed by Jesus, Prediction of victory.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-4 command that O' you who believe, don't say what

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you don't do. God loves those who fight in His cause in a row

such as they are a single structure.

Verses from 5-14 mentioned prophet Moses and Prophet

Jesus and the prediction of Ahmed Prophet by Jesus. The

ones who lie with the name of God are the worst people.

They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths but

God will perfect his light. God gives the prediction of victory,

that is near. Be the supporters of God as the disciple of


Chapter-62 Surah Al-Jumu'ah (Congregation, Friday)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah, it has 11 verses. The main

topics are: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is for all, the example

of Jews has been given as donkeys laden with books, they

could not live their lives as per the teaching of Torah, Friday

prayer commandment.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-8 describe that Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to

unlettered people and to the future generations. An example

of Jews has been given as donkeys laden with books. They

could not live their lives as per the teachings of Torah. God

asks forms Jews because of their claim that they are favorites

of God, that if you are truthful then pray for your death but

they will not wish for death as God is aware of their evil


Verses 9-10 describe that believers have been directed to

hasten to the remembers of God at the time of Friday prayer

and give up all the trading at the time. It is better for the

believers if they understand. When the prayer is finished,

believers must be disbursed in the land and seek God's

bounties and remember God.

In 11th concluding verse God says, that which is with God is

for better than amusement and trading. God is the best

provider of sustenance.

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Chapter-63 Surah Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 11 verses. It deals with

traits of Hypocrites as the name describes. No forgiveness for

hypocrites even on request of Prophet, advise of spending

before death.

Summary of Chapters

From verses 1-9 the chapter says, the Hypocrites are liars

and use their faith as a shield. They look beautiful, have

strong body with good speech, they are so wrong, even if

Prophet (PBUH) asks for their forgiveness, they will not be

forgiven. They encourage people not to spend on the people

with the Prophet (PBUH). They say when we would reach

Medina mighty would derive out the meaner.

In verses 10-11 the Quran suggests the people to spend out

of what God has granted before reaching the death day. As

when the person term will come to an end, God will never

grant any respite. God is aware of what you do.

Chapter-64 Surah At-Taghabun (The Cheating)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 18 verses. The main

topics are: God created all in truth, doubts in the resurrection,

Taghabun is the day of loss and gain, wives and children may

become your enemy and trial.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-10 state in this Surah that all belongs to God.

Among you are the disbelievers and the believers. God

created all in truth and God made your good shapes and

forms. All previous nations have denied on the same ground

that "can a human being guide us?". Doubts on the day of

judgment. By Lord you will surely be raised. Taghabun is the

day of loss and gain.

Verses 11-18 describe that all the calamity and disasters are

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by the permission of God. Sometimes wives and children

become enemies and a trial for the believers. Give Loan to

God, He will return it by manifolds. God is the most Mighty

and most Wise.

Chapter-65 Surah At-Talaq (Divorce)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 12 verses. The main

topics as the name shows are: divorce instructions and

commands and waiting periods.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-10 commands believers that When you divorce

women, divorce for waiting period and compute the waiting-

period accurately and don't turn them out of their homes

during the waiting period unless they have committed a

manifestly evil deed. Such are the boundaries set by God. He

who transgresses the boundaries of God commits a wrong

against himself. After waiting period, either retain the women

or part with them and bring two witnesses. Don't be afraid of

poverty as provision is from God. For women with no

menstruation, waiting period is 3 months. For pregnant

women it is until delivery. Give provision to them during

waiting period or for child suckle.

Verses 11-12 describe that the Massager (PBUH) rehearses

God's verses, so that, he may bring you out of every kind of

darkness towards the light. There are gardens for righteous

people. God has created seven heavens and earth. God has

knowledge of everything.

Chapter-66 Surah At-Tahreem (The Prohibition)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. it has 12 verses. The main

topics are: wives of Prophet (PBUH), arwning, and

repentance for wives of Prophet (PBUH), If prophet divorces

them then, God will give Him better wives than them.

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Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-5 Instructions have been given to the Prophet

(PBUH) not to make something unlawful which God has

made lawful. God gives expiation of oaths. Prophet gave a

secret to a wife and she told it to the other. God revealed this

to the prophet and He inquired that from her. Wives were

instructed to repent other. God says that He is with Prophet

(PBUH). Prophet (PBUH) has a protector Gabriel and other

angels and helpers form the believers. If prophet divorces His

wives, God will give him better than the present wives.

Verses 6-9 state that Men and stones are the fuel of the hell.

The guardians of the hell are harsh and severe angels. On

the Last day, light will proceed before and on the right of the


Verses 10-12 provide Example of wives of Prophet Noah and

LUT as the disbelievers and example of Pharaoh's wife and

Marry as the believing women.

Chapter-67 Surah Al-Mulk (The Dominion, Sovereignty, Control)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccans Surah. It has 30 verses. The main

topics are: Purpose of creation, no flaws in creation, Nearest

heaven has tools to repel devils, Birds in sky, rewards and


Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-6 describe the purpose of creation of death and life

as to test which one among you is better in deeds. There are

seven heavens above one another, and there is no flaw in the

creation of God, the nearest heaven is decorated with the

stars and God has made from the stars (Missiles) that are

thrown at the devils.

Verses 7-19, state the noising hell. Warden of the hell will ask

every new party entering in the hell whether warner came to

them or not? they will say yes, warner came, but we denied.

They will confess their sins. Forgiveness and mighty reward

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await those who fear God. Whether you speak in secrecy or

loud, God knows even the secret that lies hidden in the breast

of people. He made the earth subservient to you so that you

may traverse in its tracks. God holds the birds' spreading and

closing of their wings.

Verses 20 -30 describe that God says to disbelievers, that

their army cannot aid them against God but they are in utter

delusion. Among God's favors are hearing and sight. Those

who walk on straight path as per the directions provided by

God are better than the ones who walk groveling on their

faces. God is merciful and it is He Who produces clear

flowing water.

Chapter-68 Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 52 verses. The main topic

are: Muhammad is not Mad and has great rewards, mention

of wicked person, story of owners of Garden.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-9, describe that God swears by pen and what

writes that Muhammad is not mad. He has great rewards and

high moral character.

Verses 10-16 describe the characteristics of wicked person

as the one who is fault finder, and who is hinderer of good,

transgressor, sinful, the mean and ignoble. He acts like this,

because he has wealth and sons. And whenever they are

warned, they say these are fairytales of times gone by.

Verses 17-47 tell the story of owners of a garden who were

sure of its fruits, they did not say if God wills, the calamity

passed over their Garden, they remained repented. God will

not treat Muslims and criminals alike. On the last day, the

shin will be uncovered. God says leave me with the deniers, I

give them time but my scheme is firm.

The verses from 48-52 narrate that don't be impatient like the

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companion of the fish (Prophet Jonah). He could be thrown

into wilderness but God saved him. In concluding verse, God

says O Prophet, disbelieve would have made you slip with

their eyes. They look at you as they would knock you off your

feet with the glance and call you mad.

Chapter-69 Surah Al-Haqqah (The Sure Reality)

Overview of the Topic

This is a Meccan Surah. It has 52 verses. The main topics

are: the description of the last day, mentioning of Thamud ,

Ad, Pharaoh, 8 angels of God's throne, Rewards and

punishments, if Muhammad had added falsehood in Quran,

God would have cut off his Aorta.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-17 description of the last day has been stated

as an inevitable reality, the destruction of Thamud and Ad

have been told. In addition, it has been described that Ad was

destroyed in 7 nights and 8 days with a violent wind. Then,

this chapter mentions Pharaoh and indirect mention of Noah

whose boat is made a sign for mankind.

The verses from 18-37 describe that on the last day, 8 angels

will be holding the throne of God. That day he whose record

will be given in his right hand will be in gardens and he who is

given the record in left hand will be in despair and chains with

length of 70 cubits.

From verses 37-52 God swears that Quran is a word of Nobel

Messenger (PBUH). If Muhammad has uttered falsehood in

Quran, God would have punished Him severely that He would

certainly cut off his Aorta.

Chapter-70 Surah Al-Ma'aarij (The Ways of Ascent)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 44 Verses. The main

topics are: scene and description of the last day, Angels

ascend to God in a day equal to 50,000 years. The situation

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of the wrongdoers on the last day, traits of the righteous, last

day disbelievers will emerge from grave in humiliation.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-35 A questioner asked about the happening of

punishment. The angels and spirits ascend to God in a day,

that is equal to 50,000 years. O' Prophet, persevere with

gracious perseverance. Verily, they think that the punishment

will be for a while, we think it is near and at hand. It will befall

on the day when sky will become like molten brass.

Mountains will become like dyed tufts of wool. No bosom

friend will help his other bosom friend. Wrongdoers will wish

to save themselves at the expense of their wealth and

relatives, but it will not happen. Traits of righteous people

are: those who offer prayer, share their wealth, belief in hear

after, guard chastity, except what they possess rightly.

From verses 36-44 God swear that He is able to replace the

disbelievers with the better ones. On the last day, they will

emerge from their graves in the humiliations.

Chapter-71 Surah Nuh (Noah)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 28 Verses. The main

Subject is continuous preaching of Prophet Noah and the

disbelief of his nation, they were first drowned and entered in

the fire.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses1-28 the Prophet (Noah) said to his nation, worship

God, fear Him and obey me, God will forgive you. But they

disbelieved. Prophet Noah complained to God that every time

he invited them, they put their fingers in the ears. Noah

further said to his nation, ask forgiveness. God will send you

rain, increase your wealth, will provide you gardens and

rivers. Prophet Noah prayed to God for the punishment of his

nation as they did not forsake their deities namely wadd,

Suwa, Yaghuth, Yauq and Nasr. God answered the prayer of

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Prophet Noah. Because of their sins, his nation was drowned.

Noah prayed to God not to leave any disbeliever on the

surface of the earth.

Chapter-72 Surah Al-Jinn (The Unseen Beings)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 28 verses. As the name

defines it is about unseen spirits' assembly who heard the

Quran and started preaching among their nation. God may

tell the unseen to His messengers. Then he put guardians

over them.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10 It has been narrated that an assembly of

Unseen Spirits heard the Quran and was much inspired. They

talked with each other, that we will never associate anyone

with God. There are humans who sought protection in jinn,

thus increase us in transgression. This time when we (Jinn)

sought heaven, we found it guarded. A burning flame awaited

us and we have no knowledge of what is going to happen on

earth. Among us there are some righteous and some are of

different religions. We know that we cannot escape God.

Among us, some are Muslims and some are unjust. Mosques

are for God. Muhammad (PBUH) has no power of harm or

benefit to people. Even Muhammad (PBUH) will not be saved

except by God's mercy and refuge. Muhammad (PBUH) does

not know the unseen. God may tell him unseen. God puts

guardians on their front and back. God counts everything.

Chapter-73 Surah Al-Muzzammil (The Enfolded One)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 20 Verses. The Main

topics are: God orders Muhammad (PBUH) to be ready for

the future assignment and to recite the Quran more in the

night, God eases Muhammad (PBUH) by saying that he

should not labor much.

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Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-14 say, O' Muhammad (PBUH) pray at night, half or

little less or little more. Slowly recite the Quran. We will put a

heavy responsibility on you. The night is good for this purpose

than day. Disconnect from everywhere and focus on your

task. Deniers are always given much in this life. God will

handle them, for them are chains and food that chokes.

Verses 15-20 say that God has sent Muhammad (PBUH) the

same way, as He has sent Moses to Pharaoh. The last day

will turn children grey-haired. The concession has been given

to Muhammad (PBUH) and believers to not labor much and

recite at night what is easy for them. The concluding verses

say that give to God a goodly loan. Whatever good you have

sent forth is for yourself, you whould find it with God and its

reward is better and asks for God's forgiveness, surely He is

most forgiving, most compassionate.

Chapter-74 Surah Al-Muddathir (The One Wrapped Up)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 56 verses. The main

topics are: God orders Muhammad (PBUH) to purify himself

and stand up for the assignment of warning people,

mentioning of places of severe punishment which are named

Saood and Saqar, Saqar has 19 guards, rewards and

punishment in paradise and hell.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-48 describe that God says O' Muhammad

arise and warn. Purify yourself, avoid uncleanliness, and don't

favor others in order to receive more. Be patient. On the last

day, a trumpet will be blown. It mentions a person who was

granted much wealth and sons, but he was the enemy of

God. For him is punishment of Saood. He who planned

against us, for him, is the punishment of Saqar. Saqar is an

extreme fire and above it are 19 keepers. Its count 19 is a

trial for disbelieve. God swears by the moon, night and dawn

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that hell is of greatest affliction. Every soul is pledged against

its deeds. Except the companion of the right.

The verses from 49-56 say what is the matter with people?

they are turning away from this exhortation as if they are

alarmed donkeys feeling from a lion. They will not benefit

from this exhortation until God wills. Each one of them desires

that open letters to be sent to each of them. Indeed, they

have no fear of hereafter.

Chapter-75 Surah Al-Qiyamah (Resurrection)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 40 verses. The main

topics are: the day of judgment in detail, scene description of

the last day, Safe transfer of Quran to Muhammad (PBUH) is

the responsibility of God

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-15 start with swearing by the last day and the

reproaching souls. Does man imagine that God will not be

able to bring back the bones together again? Tell them,

indeed, God can, and He has the power to even remount the

fingertips? People ask about the happening of the day of

judgment, tell them when the vision will be dazed, the moon

will be eclipsed, the sun and moon will be joined together and

the man will long for the refuge. But that day, there will be no


From verses 16-19 Gods says to Muhammad (PBUH) that

don't hasten in memorizing Quran. The responsibility of

Quran is on God than on God is its reading and interpretation.

From verses 20-40 have the description of the last day, the

righteous will see their Lord and on that day one shin will curl

up with another shin. Those who reject the day of judgment

surely will see it. The humans have clear signs of God even

their own being is with the will of God which starts from an

ejaculated semen, then becomes a clot, and then turns into a

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living body. Similarly, God has the power to bring back the

dead to life.

Chapter-76 Surah Al-Insan (The Human)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has 31 verses. The main

topics are: universe was there before creation of man, man

was not even a thing mentioned, detailed description


Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-24 Quran States that universe existed before

creation of Man. God created man from intermingled sperm

and then guided him to become thankful or unthankful to God.

For disbelievers are chains and blazing fire. For righteous are

springs of drink, with camphor water. Those who fulfill oaths

and take care of needy will be in paradise. No heat of sun and

no cold will be there. There will be cups and vessels as clear

as glass made up of silver. There will be drinks mixed with

ginger from a fountain named Salsabeel. There will be

immortal youth as scattered as pearls. There will be bliss and

great Kingdom. Their dresses will be of Gold embroidery and

they will wear silver bracelet.

From verses 25-31 say that Quran has been revealed

gradually. These verses also mention the prayer timing and

describe Quran as a reminder. Who he wills may take a way

to his Lord, but you do not will except that what God wills.

Chapter-77 Surah Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah with 50 verses. The main topic is

the description of last day: Condition of stars, sky,

mountains, woe to the deniers, creation of man from a liquid


Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-19 start by swearing of the winds, angels,

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messengers and state that, the last day will surely come. It

also describes the condition of stars, sky, mountains, and

woe to the deniers on the last day.

From verses 20-50, the creation of man from disdained liquid

has been mentioned. God made this earth as receptacle for

the living and the dead. God has firmly fixed, towering

mountains and has given sweet water to drink. On the last

day deniers will walk towards a shadow with three branches,

which will neither provide shade nor the protection against the

flames. Woe on that day to those that give the lie to the truth.

On that day thye will not utter a word nor they will be allowed

to proffer excuses.

Chapter-78 Surah An-Naba' (The Great News)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah and has 40 verses. The main

topics are: Favors of God on men, The last day, the heavens

will become gateways, description of hell and paradise.

Summary of the Chapter

Then verses 1-5 discusses About what they are asking?

about the big news?. Soon they will come to know.

Verses 6-16 state the favors of God on man such as the earth

has been settled like a bed and mountains have been placed

as pegs, and creation of human beings in pairs, and sleep for

the rest, the day to see the livelihood, and building of 7 strong

roofs above you and placement of a hot shining lamp,

abundant water from clouds to bring grain and vegetation and


from verses 17-30 , it has been narrated that on the last day

heavens will be opened as gateways and hell will be like

ambush where wrongdoers will remain for ages, will drink

boiling water and hot puss.

Verses 31 -36 have the description of paradise that there will

be gardens, drinks, spouses of equal age and no ill speech.

Verses 37-40 say that, on the day of judgment, spirits and

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angels will stand in rows, no one will speak without God's

permission. On that day, man will observe what his hands

have put forth and disbelievers will wish that they were dust.

Chapter-79 Surah An-Nazi'at (Soul-snatchers, Those That Rise)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has 46 verses. The topics are:

description of Last day, doubts on day of judgment, God

Called Moses in scared valley Tuwah, God's Favors on Man.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses-1-14 start with swearing of God by angels, or

beings having diverse tasks. These verses also describe the

last day. There will be first quake, then the second will follow.

There will fear everywhere. There will be a single shout and

all will be awakened on the surface of earth.

Verses 15 -26 describe that God called Prophet Moses in a

sacred valley of Tuwah and sent him to Pharaoh who denied

him and was punished.

From verses 27-35 God asks man, are you a more difficult

creation than heaven? God tells His favors to humans that

He has given him the earth, water and cattle.

Verses 36-46 provide the description of hell that it will

become visible. On that day mankind will say they have not

stayed on the earth, except for an evening or a morning.

Chapter-80 Surah `Abasa (He Frowned)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah, it has 42 verses. The main

topics are: God teaches Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that

preference should be given to the seekers of guidance, God' s

favors on man, description of the last day.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10 it has been stated that Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) frowned and turned away, because there came to

him a blind man. God says that preference should be given to

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the seekers of guidance, not to the powerful or influential


From verses 11 -32 state that Quran is preserved in honored

pages, written by Nobles. God created man, guided him, then

causes his death. God describes His favors on the man like

water, fruits and vegetation, but man is ungrateful.

From verses 33-46 it is stated that on the last day man will

flee from his relatives and only one issue in his mind will be

about his own self. That day, some faces will be bright and

some faces will be dark and dusty.

Chapter-81 Surah At-Takwir

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan surah. It has 29 verses. The main

topics are: description of events of the day of judgment, the

revelation of Quran through supreme angels, Quran is not the

word of a devil expelled.

Summary of the Chapter

from verses 1-14 give the description of the day of judgment.

The destruction of sun, moon, mountains, fueling of the

hellfire and heaven have been described.

Verses 15-24 describe that the revelations have been sent to

Muhammad (PBUH) through supreme angel and noble

messenger and Muhammad has seen him. Quran is not the

word of devil. It is a reminder to the world.

Chapter-82 Surah Al-Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder)

Overview of the Topic

this Surah is a Meccan surah. it has 19 verses. The main

topics are: the description of events of day of judgment ,

angels that are guardians over man and recording his deeds,

judgment day and punishment and bliss.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-5 state the events of the day of judgment:

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


destruction of sky and celestial bodies, the eruption of seas,

and overturning of graves.

From verses of 6-19 God asks from humans that what has

deceived you, concerning your Lord, who created and formed

you and appointed angels over you to record your deeds. On

judgment day, there will be bliss as well as punishment. The

command will be entirely with God.

Chapter-83 Surah Al-Mutaffifeen (The Dealers in Fraud)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 36 verses. The main

topics are: Woe to defrauders, mention of two recording

registers namely Saijjin and Illiyin, description of Paradise.

Summary of the Chapter

Verses 1-17 state woe to defrauders, who, when they take

from others, take their full share, but when they give, they

give less than due without considering that they will be raised

to life again. Record of wrongdoers will be in a register called

Sijin. Deniers who deny the day of judgment will be parted

from the sight of God.

Verses18-36 state that the record of righteous will be in the

Illiyin. It is a record that is written and witnessed by those who

are nearest and noble. In paradise righteous will be on

adorned couches, drinking with seal of musk, mixed with

water of Tasneem (which is a spring from which those who

will be near to God will drink). In the world, disbelievers laugh

at the believers, but on the last day, they will be laughed at.

Chapter-84 Surah Al-Inshiqaq (The Rending Asunder)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan surah. it has 25 verses. The main

topics are the description of the last day, the mentioning of

those given their record in the right hand and left hand.

Summary of the Chapter

verses 1-5 describe that on the last day, heaven will split,

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


earth will empty its burden and heaven and earth obey God's


Verses 6-15 describe that mankind is laboring towards their

God. Those tried well to meet their Lord, will get their deeds

in right hand. They will happily return to their family. Those

given their record from behind their back, will burn in blaze

Verses 16 -25 describe that God swears by twilight, moon and

night that mankind will experience events stage by stage. The

concluding verses mention the tidings of punishment and


Chapter-85 Surah Al-Buruj (The Mansions Of The Stars)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 22 Verses. The main

topics are: Curse on the companion of the trench,

punishment to those who have tortured the believers and

have not repented, God encompasses all, Quran is written on


Summary of the Chapter

Verses-1-7 describe that God swears by the constellations in

the sky, by the day and by the witness and what is witnessed

that the curse is on the companions of the trench.

Verses 8-12 state that there is a warning of punishment for

those who have tortured the believers and have not repented.

There are tidings of reward to those who have believed and

done righteous deeds.

Verses 13-22 state that God is the supreme Creator. He does

what He wills. Quran is written on a preserved slate. God

encompasses all.

Chapter-86 Surah At-Tariq (The Night-Visitant)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 17 verses. The main

topics are: God swear that every soul has guardians over it,

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


creation of man and His situation on the last day, Quan is

decisive word not for amusement.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses1-10 God swears by the sky and the night comer

(that is a piercing star) that there is no soul without guardians

over it. Man is created from fluid produced between backbone

and ribs. On the last day, man will have no power or any


From verses 11-17 Gods swears by the sky, which returns

and the earth which cracks open, that Quran is a decisive

word, disbelievers are planning a plot but God gives them

respite for a little while.

Chapter-87 Surah Al-A'la (The Highest)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 19 verses. The main

topics are: God created and Guided everything, God has the

responsibility of memorization and recitation of the Quran,

those will benefit who pay attention and others will go to hell.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10narrate that exalt the name of your Lord, the

highest, who created, proportioned, destinated and guided

everything. He has taken the responsibility of memorization

and recitation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet (PBUH). God

commands prophet to remind the reminder so that those who

take heed may benefit from it and others will be put in fire.

Hereafter is better and more enduring. This is the truth, also

described in the former scriptures.

Chapter-88 Surah Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 26 verses. The main

topics are: Description of last day, the duty of Prophets and

Messengers is only to remind, not to control over the people.

Summary of the Chapter

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Verses from 1-16 Start with the news of overwhelming event

(that is the day of judgment). Some faces will be downcast

and worn-out, they will burn in scorching fire, will drink from

boiling spring and will eat bitter dry thorns. Some faces will be

radiant with joy, they will be in lofty gardens, will hear no vain

talk, they shall drink from flowing spring and they will have

couches, cushions, and rich carpets.

Verses 17 -26 state that why people do not observe the

camels, the sky, the mountains and the earth that how they

are created. So, the Prophets only remind them and they are

not the controller over the people but only the reminders.

Surely the people will return to God and then God will call

them to account.

Chapter-89 Surah Al-Fajr (The Break of Day)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. it has 30 verses. The main

topics are: the examples of previous nations, man 's behavior

when God favors or tries him, description of the last day.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-14 God swears by the dawn, 10 nights, even

and the odd and by the night when it departs that all these

aforementioned are the signs from God for those who

understand. Furthermore, God gives the example of previous

nations of Thamud, Ad, and Pharaoh and describe how He

destroyed them for their wrongdoings.

From verses 15 -20 , it is stated that when God favors man, he

says, my Lord has exalted me, but when God tests him, he

says that My Lord has humiliated me. Man does not think

about the poor and orphans.

Verses 21-30 describe that the last day has been given: the

grounding of earth to powder, when your Lord will appear with

rows up rows of angels, when hell will be brought near and on

that day man will surely understand but that understanding

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


will give him no benefit. However, the righteous will be

pleased and will enter in the paradise.

Chapter-90 Surah Al-Balad (The City, The Land)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 20 verses. The main

topics of the Surah are: creation of man in hardship, God

showed him two ways, man avoids the difficult path of good

deeds, traits of companions of right and left hand.

Summary of the Chapter

From Verses 1-20 God swears about the city, where

Muhammad (PBUH) Lived, and swears by the parent and his

offspring that verily, God has created man in hardship. Does

the man think that no one can overpower him? God created

man and showed him two ways. Man avoids the difficult path,

that is freeing the slaves, giving food to the hungry and

helping orphans. Traits of the people of right hand and left

hand are also described. Those who remain steadfast are

right hand people and those who rejected God's signs are

the people of left hand.

Chapter-91 Surah Ash-Shams (The Sun)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 15 verses. The main

topics are: every soul has the capacity of right and wrong,

which is responsible for final outcome, Thamud transgression

and their end.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10 God swears by the sun, by the moon, the

day, the night, the sky, the earth and the soul that God has

put two capacities of doing right and wrong. He who purifies

himself will be successful and he who corrupts will fail.

From verses 11-15 the story of Thamud is described that

when prophet Saleh asked them not to harm the she-camel of

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


God but they denied and God got destructed them for their


Chapter-92 Surah Al-Lail (The Night)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 21 Verses. The main

topic is: God eases the way of those who believe in Good,

there is adversity for those who disbelieve in Good.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-10 God swears by the night, the day, by He

who created male and female that your strivings are

divergent. God eases the way of those who believe in Good

and facilitates them in their good. Those who disbelieve, in

their way is diversity.

From verses 11-21 there is warning of fire for disbelievers.

Those people, who give wealth to purify themselves and not

for getting some favor in return, will be saved.

Chapter-93 Surah Ad-Dhuha (The Glorious Morning Light)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 11 verses. The main

topics are : The hereafter is better for Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), do mercy on others as God did on you.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-5 God swears by the morning light and by the

night that the coming time will be better for Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) than the previous time.

From verses 6-11 God reminds Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

about His favors and orders to do mercy on others as God did

on Him (PBUH)

Chapter-94 Surah Ash-Sharh (The Expansion of Breast)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 8 verses. The main

topics are: God has lightened the burden for Prophet

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

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Muhammad (PBUH) and Has raised His name and fame.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-18 God has made things easier for Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH). Indeed there is ease with hardship. God

has raised Muhammad's (PBUH) name, fame, and Zikar. God

orders Muhammad (PBUH) to turn to God alone.

Chapter-95 Surah At-Tin (The Fig Tree, The Fig)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has 8 verses. The main topics

are: Man has the capacity to make himself the highest in

character or the lowest.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-8 God swears by the fig, Olive, mount Sinai

and the city of Mecca that God has created man in the best

shape. Man has the capacity to make himself in the highest of

the character or the lowest.

Chapter-96 Surah al-ʻAlaq (The Clinging Clot)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 19 verses. The main

topics are: God created man, taught him by pen,the

transgressors will be dragged into the fire through their


Summary of the Chapter

The verses 1-19 say that Recite by the name of your God

who created man from a clot of blood and taught him by the

means of the pen. Men transgress when they see themselves

self-sufficient. The one who forbids prayer is a sinful person.

The wrongdoers will be dragged in the fire by their forelock.

Chapter-97 Surah Al-Qadr (The Night of Honor)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 5 verses. The main topics

are: revelation of Quran in the night of the decree that is

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


better than 1000 Months.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses1-5 describe that God revealed Quran on the

night of power. The night of power is better than 1000

months. This night is absolute peace and angels descend on

this night.

Chapter-98 Surah Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Medinan Surah. It has 8 verses. The main

topics are: People intentionally divided their religion even

after seeing the evidence. God's commandments were same

for the previous nations.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses 1-5 say that those who were given scriptures

became divided after seeing clear evidence, they were also

commended for prayer, charity and the truth.

The verse 6-8 describe punishment for all such people who

forsake their religion and there is reward for the righteous.

Chapter-99 Surah Az-Zalzala (The Earthquake)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 8 verses. The main topic

is the description of last day: earth will shake, even a deed

worth of an atom will be rewarded .

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-8, The description of the last day is given:

earth will shake and will put forth all its burdens. It will report

its news. Mankind will be arranged in groups to be shown

their deeds even a deed equal to an atom will be


Chapter-100 Surah Al-Adiyat (The Courser)

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 11 verses. The main

topics are: Comparison of beings without conscious to that of

the beings with conscious, that how ungrateful they are

towards their Lord.

Summary of the Chapter

The verse 1-11 God swears by the chargers of war, that man

is the most ungrateful to God and he himself is a witness over

it. The comparison of the beings without conscious to that of

conscious beings is described.

Chapter-101 Surah al-Qari`ah (The Striking Hour)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 11 verses. The main

topics are: description of the last day, People will be rewarded

as per their scale of deed.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-11 start with the description of the last day

and describe the situation of mankind and mountain on the

last day. The people with heavy scales will have pleasant life.

People with light scale will have misery and fire.

Chapter-102 Surah At-Takathur (The Piling Up)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has 8 verses. The main topics

are: Wordly competition made mankind forget the hereafter,

but soon a time will come when people will be questioned.

Summary of the Chapter

from verses 1-8 worldly life and competition have been

described as a source of forgetting hereafter. But , soon the

time will come when people will be questioned.

Chapter-103 Surah Al-Asr (The Time)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan surah. It has 3 verses. The Main topic

is Man is in loss. Only those are successful who are truthful

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


and patient.

Summary of the Chapter

The verse from 1-3: God swears by the time, that man is in

loss because of the regret of the past and fear of the future.

Only those are successful who are believers, virtuous and


Chapter-104 Surah Al-Humazah (The Scandalmonger)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 9 verses. The main

topics are: Every slanderer and the one who collects wealth

and does not spend in good cause will be put in fire columns.

Summary of the Chapter

The verses from 1-9 state that woe is to every slanderer,

mocker, and the one who collects wealth and does not spend

it in good cause, he will be put in a crusher made up of fire in

extended columns.

Chapter-105 Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 5 verses. The main

topic is the narration of King of Yemen who attacked Mecca

with his elephants and how God destroyed him by small birds.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-5 God asks from people who understand that

how God dealt with the companion of elephant and failed

them in their plans and how He destroyed them by small


Chapter-106 Surah Quraysh (The Quraysh)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 4 verses. The main

topic is a brief account of God's favours on the tribe of

Qureshi where Muhammad (PBUH) was born.

Summary of the Chapter

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


From verses 1-4: A brief account of God's favours on the tribe

of Qureshi has been described. They should worship God

and be thankful to God for protecting them from hunger and


Chapter-107 Surah Al -Ma'un (Almsgiving, Assistance)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 7 verses. The Main topic

is disbelief in the last day is the main cause of evil doing and

not caring about others.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-7 God asks the people if they have seen the

deniers and Tells their major traits. Woe is to all those who

either do not do good or do only for showing off and actually

don't care about others.

Chapter-108 Surah Al-Kawthar (Abundance)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. it has three verses. the Main

topic is God's promise of Abundance to Muhammad (PBUH).

Summary of the Chapter

From verse 1-3: God promises of plenty and abundance to

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In return ,God orders Him

(PBUH) to pray and sacrifice. God gives glad tidings to the

prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that his enemy will be cut off.

Chapter-109 Surah Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 6 verses. The main

topics are: the right attitude towards those who reject your


Summary of the Chapter

The Verse 1-6 describe that God asks Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) and believers to proclaim that they will never be

worshipers of other deities , and further God orders for the

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


right attitude towards those who reject the religion and

commands believers to say to them, "For you is your religion

for me is mine".

Chapter 110 Surah An-Nasr (The Help, Divine Support,

Victory, Succour)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Medinan Surah. It has 3 verses. The main

topic is God promise of victory to Muhammad (PBUH)

Summary of the Chapter

From verses from 1-3 God says to Prophet (PBUH) that when

you see the visible signs of victory, your attitude should not

be boasting but exalt God and ask for forgiveness and be


Chapter-111 Surah Al-Masad/Al-Lahab (The Plaited Rope)

Overview of The Chapter

This is Meccan Surah. It has 5 verses. The main topic is the

curse of God on Abu Lahab and his wife.

Summary of Chapter

From verses 1-5 the curse of God on Abu Lahab and his wife

has been described. God says that his wealth will not help

him and he will burn in the fire. His wife, who was actually, a

carrier of firewoods will also bear the same consequences.

Chapter-112 Surah Al-Ikhlas ( Purity, Oneness of God)

Overview of the Topic

This is Meccans Surah. It has 4 verses. The main topic is the

Oneness of God (Monotheism)

Summary of the Chapter

Verses from 1-4 describe that God asks Muhammad (PBUH)

or believers to tell everyone about Oneness and Eternity of

God. He neither gives birth and nor was He born and there is

nothing like Him.

Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal

Summary of Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series


Chapter-113 Surah Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is a Meccan Surah. It has 5 verses. The main

topic is: Seek refuge in God from the evil of all creations.

Summary of the Chapter

From verses 1-5 God asks Muhammad (PBUH) or believers

to seek refuge in God from evil of all creation ,from evil of

darkness, evil of those who practice sorcery and from the evil

of Envier.

Chapter-114 Surah An-Nas (Mankind, Men)

Overview of the Topic

This Surah is Meccan Surah. It has 6 verses. The main topic

of the Surah is: To Seek refuge in God from the evil of

conspiracies of all creations.

Summary of the Chapter

In verses1-6 Gods asks the believers to seek refuge in God of

all mankind from the evil of the sneaky whisperers among

humans and jinn who whisper evil suggestions in hearts.

  • Adewale Olutola Adewale Olutola

Crime prevention can be any scheme, idea, or course of action or effort that reduces or eliminates crime in any given society. This article examines the perception that the adoption of the death penalty as a form of crime punishment will automatically result in a decrease in crime. The article adopts the qualitative research approach of document analysis, using comparative studies of two African countries (Nigeria and South Africa), one being a retainer of the death penalty and the other being an abolitionist of the death penalty. Attention is given to the contemporary national, regional, and international statutory provisions relevant to the death penalty. The article concludes with the premise that the adoption of the death penalty as a means of crime punishment has no direct corollary to the crime rate in society, but that a decrease in the crime rate is possible only with efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

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